Mastering Ad Monetization: The Art of Ad LTV Optimization

Essential Tips for Scaling Your Hypercasual Game’s Success

Supercent Blog 슈퍼센트 블로그
5 min readJul 27, 2023


You’ve developed an impressive hypercasual game with great CPI and good retention, but what comes next?
Scaling a hyper-casual game requires optimizing Ad LTV to ensure continued success. In this article, we’ll share essential tips to help you effectively monetize your hypercasual game and boost your Ad LTV.

Ad LTV Optimization Recipe

Ad LTV = Player Lifetime Ad Views (Frequency * Engagement) * eCPM (Unit Price for Ad Views)

Ad LTV represents the expected revenue a player will generate from ad views during their entire time playing the game. Ad LTV optimization involves maximizing this value by increasing the number of ad views, improving player engagement, and optimizing the revenue generated from each ad view (eCPM). In our previous article [Here in case you’ve missed it], we covered optimizing eCPM. Now, we’ll delve into increasing the number of ad views each player watches in-game.

In ad frequency optimization, striking the right balance between showing ads and keeping users engaged is crucial. Testing is key to finding that optimal spot where the players watch the highest number of ads without feeling overwhelmed, resulting in the highest possible revenue.

Tip 1: Data-Driven Frequency Controls for Maximum Efficiency

Users have different sensitivities to ads based on their progress and enjoyment of the game. To offer a personalized experience and boost ad LTV for each user segment, consider operating interval cycles aligned with user preferences. This is what we call a “dynamic interval system.” For instance, in our game “Burger Please,” we extended the ad viewing interval for newly registered users to around 90 seconds. As the playtime accumulates, we adjust the intervals offering users more ads after users are more engaged with the game.

Furthermore, adopting a cohort-based approach in operating this dynamic interval system is essential because different user cohorts, based on days since installation, exhibit diverse play patterns and behaviors. By managing user segments differently based on cohort date, we can optimize the user experience and maximize ad LTV according to each user’s post-registration play pattern. As always, A/B testing is critical even for dynamic interval systems, allowing us to find the most optimal points to maximize LTV for each value within the system.

Tip 2: Understanding Distinct Play Patterns Across Countries

If your game reaches a certain number of players, you’ll gather ample data to analyze and implement live-ops updates tailored to different tiers and countries. Each country’s buying power and content consumption habits vary significantly.

Burger Please! — # of Interstitial Ads View (D0 Imp/DAU) by Country
Burger Please! — # of Interstitial Ads View (D0 Imp/DAU) by Country
Burger Please! — # of Rewarded Ads View (D0 Imp/DAU) by Country

For example, if you look at the RV/IS Imp/Dau of Burger Please! by country, you can see that the # of ad views are vary and each country has very distinct game behaviors and patterns. Therefore we cannot operate on the same monetization strategy for all.

Tip 3: Game-Focused A/B Tests

Enhancing long-term LTV requires considerable effort, and A/B tests play a vital role in achieving this. By leveraging A/B testing, you can enhance your game’s appeal and increase user playtime.

Bold changes to improve the game’s quality and entertainment factor lead to increased playtime, resulting in more interstitial ad views and improved engagement metrics. This, in turn, enhances the chances of converting users into paying players and ultimately increases the overall LTV.

Remember, monetization isn’t just about making money; it’s about creating an attractive and enjoyable gaming experience. What sets Supercent apart from other publishers is its unique approach to making players fall in love with our games.

For maximum impact, our priority lies in making the first 10 minutes of gameplay more appealing when designing A/B Tests. Below are some of the A/B test topics we carried out during the early stages of scaling “Burger Please.”

  • Early player interaction events
  • The drive-thru mechanism (the game’s key feature)
  • Timing of nudges for the next map
  • User progression UI prompt rules
  • Balancing early economy


Even after discovering a hit title, LTV optimization is the next-level challenge for real success. To maximize Ad LTV, we have two main strategies.

  • Improve Player Engagement: Increasing the overall playtime of players is key to maximizing ad views. By focusing on enhancing game engagement and retention, more users will stay in the game for longer periods, providing more opportunities for monetization. The longer they play, the more chances there are to show them ads, ultimately boosting your Ad LTV.
  • Optimize interstitial intervals: Interstitial ads play a vital role in monetizing a hyper-casual game. By controlling the intervals between these ads while maintaining the same playtime, you can maximize the number of ad impressions. Finding the right balance here is crucial, as you want to show enough ads to increase revenue without overwhelming players.

The key to Burger Please’s success lies not only in the game itself but also in our scientific approach of testing and the accumulation of the test results. Understanding the true appealing point of your game and implementing these tips will undoubtedly lead to profitable results for any game.

With our dedicated team and automated modules, we can systematically apply our expertise across any game. If you want to find out more about our data-driven publishing strategy, you can submit your game now at

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