Super-star Interview: Game Artist Bree

The <Super-star Interview> series originates from the belief that “Everyone has their own unique story”, focusing on the individual journeys of Supercent members. It captures those moments filled with personal thoughts and characteristics, their lives as Supercent members, and the messages they wish to convey through gaming.

Ever wondered about how things work at Supercent, or who the people behind the scenes are? Supercent has got you covered with the <Super-star Interview>.

The first edition of the <Super-star Interview> series starts with Game 3D Artist, Bree.

Pleased to meet you! Could you introduce yourself?

Hi there! I’m Yeonju Lim and I’m working as a Game 3D Artist here at Supercent.

What role do you play in the team?

Our team is responsible for creating various art resources such as 3D modeling, animation, effects, and UI for games that are either in development or live. Currently, I am working on resource production for updates to the live game “Burger Please!”. I’m focusing mainly on object modeling and animation, and also creating resources needed for Ad Creatives.

What does your daily work process look like?

My day starts with checking the work list for the current sprint. Then, I check on Notion or Slack to see if there are any requests that need attention. Next, I organize today’s to-do list on the work diary page on Notion and start working according to priority. Btw, Our team mainly works with Blender.

Since all of Supercent’s games are developed in Unity, it’s crucial to regularly check how things look in the Unity environment. I often talk with developers to ensure everything is working as it should. Once my tasks are done, I gather feedback from my team members and share my day’s work on Slack to wrap up.

While this is the typical process, I also join regular project scrums and meetings, depending on the day.

Bree, in front of the Supercent logo

When do you feel a sense of pride in your work?

I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I see the resources I’ve created come to life in the game or the finished product after a long day of work. But nothing beats the joy and fulfillment I get from positive feedback on my work. Especially, Supercent has culture that encouragement and praise frequently for good work, I often feel proud.

I’ve recently been involved in updating a casual game called “Burger Please!”. When the game climbed the charts or when I saw friends and others enjoying the game, I felt a real accomplishment, knowing I contributed to such a large project.

What are the attractive points of being a Game 3D Artist?

The ability to influence and contribute to the overall art of a game is incredibly rewarding. Turning a game that existed only in text into something visual is a unique aspect of being a game artist. It’s about bringing ideas to life, adding details that weren’t spelled out in words, and essentially breathing life into the game. Also, constantly exploring new ideas and learning along the way is a significant part of the appeal for me.

Do you have any memorable projects?

A hyper-casual game project I worked on during a university-industry collaboration stands out, even though it was a short-term project. Our project members started without a clear understanding or proper references for hyper-casual games, leading to several iterations and challenges. However, it was an opportunity that led me to learn more about hyper-casual games, and looking back, it feels like a meaningful experience, especially now that I’m working in a hyper-casual game company, Supercent.

How do you stay up-to-date with trends related to your job?

.I start by checking game news daily at work and keeping an eye on the mobile game app rankings. If there are high-ranking or noteworthy games, I make sure to play them. Especially to not miss out on game-related trends, I look for information on YouTube. For graphic trends, I save references on Pinterest or explore various creative works on ArtStation for inspiration.

Are there any differences between the work you expected before joining Supercent and after?

Before getting a job, I never imagined working at a hyper-casual game company. Especially since I was aspiring to be a character modeler, I expected to work mainly on characters’ props and costumes based on game concept design.

I spent a long time thinking about my career path, and at one point, I was even negative about myself because I felt like I was more of a generalist than a specialist. However, after joining Supercent and working as a game artist with a broad range of styles, my perspective changed.

Especially with the emergence of AI graphic tools like Midjourney and DALL-E, I believe that being limited to one area could pose a risk to a long-term career.Although a generalist approach may seem insufficient at times, leveraging AI tools can actually complement and enhance our capabilities, allowing us to grow into more skilled designers.

What’s the work culture like at Supercent?

Supercent is a place where everyone can freely express their opinions. If there’s any inspiring news, we comfortably share it through Slack and suggest ideas openly, creating a very inclusive atmosphere.

What’s unique of Supercent culture is that we understand and accept failure. At a glance, it might even seem like we encourage failure. Of course, that’s not what we mean — we mean that you should experience as many failures as possible as quickly as possible, so you can grow.

Perhaps due to the number of junior employees, there’s a strong desire among all members to grow and improve. This atmosphere has naturally fostered a culture where self-improvement and personal development are the norms, particularly vibrant in game development study groups. In particular, within the art and development teams, there are study groups where members provide feedback to each other, greatly enhancing everyone’s expertise. Beyond this, Supercent also actively supports self-development of members, with an in-house library and support for external activities, etc.

What else stands out about Supercent?

Well, can’t talk about Supercent without mentioning our amazing benefits package. Supercent members can take unlimited vacations, and the company pays for both lunch and dinner, which is a huge plus. Also, thanks to the flexible working hours, you can come in anytime between 8 and 10 a.m., allowing you to adjust your work schedule to fit your personal life. Additionally, supercent gives special gifts on holidays and birthdays, and there’s a good variety of small internal events, which I think is another great advantage.

From a cultural standpoint, Supercent hosts an company event, “Mash-up Party”, every other Friday, which is a game idea contest with prizes. While the prizes are small, the real value is the fast-paced sharing and documentation of ideas with team members, which I see as a significant advantage.

Lastly, do you have any advice for those looking forward to getting a job in the game industry?

It can be hard to take care of yourself when you’re preparing for a job. While it’s important to create a portfolio that shows the best of yourself, please remember that taking care of both your body and mind is the very first thing. Most of all, organize your work, plan your time well, work hard during the day, and make sure you get enough sleep!

I hope your efforts lead you to your dream company, and see you in the industry! Thank you!

This article is adapted from Job Korea’s blog post, <Meet the Game Industry — Game Artist>.



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