Supercent Playshop 2023 ✨

Crafting Games from Our Joy to Yours


On June 29th to 30th, the Supercent team took a memorable trip to Gapyeong for the company's offsite playshop for the first time. Initially, we had planned this event last year but had to postpone it due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the pandemic now behind us, we were thrilled to finally bring our offsite plans to life!

Our first company offsite was designed to be more than just a getaway; we aimed to create an experience that was enjoyable and meaningful for every team member. So we set up a task force(TF) team composed of one representative from each department to make sure we reflect all the voices.

The goal of this offsite playshop was simple…

Sleep well, Enjoy well, Eat well, and Do it Together!

The highlight video of Supercent Offsite 2023

Motto 1: Sleep Well..!

To make sure all sleep well, accommodation matters the most. We all agreed that — no matter how great the event is, it won’t be successful if the members are not comfortable in their beds. With this in mind, we dedicated significant effort to finding the perfect place to stay

The accommodation we were looking for had to meet the following conditions:

  • Clean and hotel-level quality rooms
  • Located on the outskirts of Seoul and is easy to drive to
  • Accommodation for the entire team with 2-person and 4-person rooms
  • Should have Seminar rooms or auditoriums for indoor activities in case of rain.
  • Should have a group-friendly barbecue area (famous Korean barbecue)
  • Should have recreational facilities for fun activities like a waterpark
  • Have various amenities like sports fields, swimming pools, and volleyball courts
  • Have spacious rooms where all members could gather after dinner time.
  • Should have a convenience store on-site or nearby
  • etc.…

To find a place that all of the above conditions, we reached out to over 20 places, and finally, we found the perfect match! 😅

Our accommodation

The resort we stayed at was simply breathtaking, with a tranquil view overlooking the Bukhan River. To ensure our members could relax and enjoy themselves to the fullest, we rented the entire resort. This meant that all the facilities, including the spacious swimming pool and sports fields, belonged exclusively to Supercent during the company offsite. 🤩

Adding to the excitement, right in front of the resort, there was a large-scale waterpark renowned in Gapyeong. This made it the perfect place to drive into exciting activities and have a blast during the event!

The building you see just behind the water park is our resort.

Motto 2: Enjoy Well..!

Decide a theme:

Imagine any event or party without a concept….such a nightmare, right? That’s why we got together to brainstorm and started coming up with ideas. As gaming company members, ideas like Super Mario, Diablo, and Hogwarts Legacy were flowing in abundantly.

But then, Ethan, our CEO said,

“It’s Supercent’s first company offsite playshop, so why don’t we make the concept with our own games?

That single sentence ignited a spark in us, and in no time, we wrote a concept story!

It’s a classic story; groups of heroes from 8 villages in the Supercent Kingdom start their adventure to retrieve the Supercoin, the kingdom’s treasure scattered by a villain, and to heal the heartbroken Princess Simon (our CTO) from the sadness of losing the Supercoins.

Each of these 8 villages represents 8 teams, and each team chose one of Supercent’s games to represent their village. This village concept was carefully selected because each team should carry out the “Best Dresser” mission later.

To make the offsite more immersive, we created storybook invitations and Supercoins, which could be earned through missions and redeemed for prizes later.

(Click here if you want to know more about the invitation card)

Thank you to everyone who helped us to make Supercoins.

How did we play?

After arriving at the resort and having a little time to relax, we dressed up in concept costumes and gathered in the seminar room. You wouldn’t believe how seriously all the members took the Best Dresser mission for the company offsite! As seeing each other’s outfits, the members had a fun and lively time laughing together.

K-game Challenge team and Steal-master team, who took first and second place
The Supercent members, whose acting, costumes, and poses were perfect.

During the program planning phase, our main focus was to ensure that every team member could join in on the fun without feeling left out. That’s why we designed a flexible itinerary, offering options for both the waterpark and indoor recreation activities. This way, even those who weren’t into the waterpark scene could still fully participate and enjoy the event.

It might have seemed like a bit of extra work, but thanks to the dedicated efforts of our TF members, No one missed out, and every single person had a great time!

(A big thank you to Joy, Brad, Rio, Annie, and Alan for their help in organizing the company offsite!)

Waterpark or recreation? Choose what you want!

Motto 3: Eat Well..!

The best part of our offsite event was definitely the BBQ party. The feast is ready, and it’s time to stuff ourselves — from pork and beef to various sausages and a hearty doenjang jjigae (soybean paste stew) for Korean food lovers. And of course, it was all unlimited!

Moreover, Our precious partners Jay and Kady from “Mol-ip” also came to honor us and made the event even more special. Especially noteworthy is that Kady won the grand prize of a $500 gift card in the lucky draw.

(So jealous, right? 😍)

Kady, Jay and Ethan / After Party

Making our joy, the users’ joy

At Supercent, we believe that the best games are born from the enjoyment of their creators. We hope that the enjoyment derived from the offsite will fuel our creativity and translate into joy for our users.

This is how Supercent had its Superfun Playshop!
I’ll say goodbye here.

Creating joy for someone else. Isn’t it cool?
We’re always looking for members who make new enjoyment together.
Be a part of our team!

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