KittieFight Community Driven Dutch Auction Tutorial & Ether Reward Competition

Published in
11 min readDec 20, 2018
KTY token ninja gearing up

KittiFIGHT and dutch auction goals

Thank you for deciding to participate in our reverse dutch auction. In order to achieve our KittiFIGHT launch goals in the early parts of QI 2019, we have to establish the (KTY) token economy via a market discovery mechanism i.e our reverse dutch auction. This will help us quantify the value of each token in order to gauge what level of pricing that is acceptable and fair within the KittieFIGHT (KTY) token economy used for fight tickets, kittie-hell redemption fees and fight scheduling fees. In regard to KTY token utility, we plan to launch kittieFIGHT DAPP game before any of our previously scheduled exchange listings are put into effect. This is to ensure that the usage/utility value of KTY is strongly established before any inevitable speculative activities by the community. We are also using bounties to establish wide distribution. Also since the campaign is community driven and focused, any member of the community can earn some ETHER and KTY tokens by doing simple tasks to bring the Dutch auction campaign towards its goals (see: Ether Top 20 Competition & Marketing Partners Tutorial ).

Click the links below to skip directly to a tutorial of your interest:

  1. Bidding Tutorial for
  2. Bounty referrals Tutorial
  3. Ether Top 20 Competition ( Participate as a community sharing ETH funding with the team )
  4. Marketing Partners Tutorial
  5. Claiming KTY Tokens

Community-driven, reverse dutch auction

8 million KTY tokens are up for public distribution in a reverse dutch auction and a portion of the proceeds are shared with some of the community members through a competitive, group referral incentive (see: Ether Top 20 Competition ). A reverse dutch auction is an auction where the starting price of a commodity i.e each kittieFIGHT KTY token, declines VERY slowly over time, allowing the user to buy at a comfortable price and market valuation. The starting price of the kittieFIGHT dutch auction is $0.40 ( ~ ETH) and gradually decline by a very small factor each Ethereum block (every 14 seconds). The cheap price is to guarantee affordability, wide distribution, and valuation level of the token necessary for quantifying pricing models within the kittieFIGHT DAPP game. The only catch is not being able to guarantee token availability due to the low price.

A total possible raise of $3 million represents the hard cap with a soft cap of 10% or $300,000 in ETHER. The soft cap is established to determine the point at which the top 20 referrers (community participators ) are eligible to vote to have payouts made out to them. The amount of auction funds disbursed to the top 20 Referrers is 10% of the total funds raised at the time the vote is held or when the campaign reaches the Hard cap.

The disbursement is made as long as the soft cap figure (10% of the hard cap or $300,000) is attained and the majority (greater than 10) of the top 20 referrers, vote to have the funds disbursed. This is a one-time event and cannot be repeated see Ether Top 20 Competition for more details and join “#top20-ether-competition” channel on our discord channel. To understand other details of the auction, visit the dutch auction synopsis now.

Token Economy: Distribution

About 65 million or 65% of the total token economy supply are used as rewards to winners and supporters alongside Ether rewards. 8 million tokens out of 100 Million are being auctioned off, with an additional 2 million tokens allocated for bounty tasks. This means anyone can get involved, without needing Ether. Read further down to learn how to participate in the bounty tasks to earn tokens through effort. To understand the need of valuation and dutch auction, please refer to our previous post. Here is the breakdown of the token distribution :

There is an immutable total supply of 100 million KittieFIGHT (KTY) tokens;

  • 8 million are up for public auction in a descending price dutch auction
  • 2 million is allocated for a pre-launch bounty & marketing bounties
  • 5 million is allocated for gaming related partnerships and promotions
  • 10 million is allocated to a long-term free distribution for new users (freemium access)
  • 10 million is allocated to the team
  • 65 million is allocated as token rewards alongside Ether rewards over time for fight winners as well as to KittieFIGHT stakeholders.
KittieFIGHT token distribution

Game demo:

To learn more, please read more here :

Join us on Discord to ask questions

Bidding Tutorial

We have made bidding as easy as clicking a button. You will need the latest version of Firefox or Chrome browser or other Ethereum browser wallet, compatible browser. You will also need the popular Ethereum tool; Metamask tool. There are no minimum requirements to bid, but there is 1 eth minimum in order to qualify for bonus KTY tokens by using a referral link that looks like this:

KTY Bidding Tutorial

The Bonus tokens represent 30% - 40% discounts depending on the amount bid and are awarded automatically by the smart contract, for your cooperation with the community.

  • bidding between 1- 3 eth Gives you 30 extra bonus KTY tokens
  • bidding between 3 - 6 eth Gives you 200 extra bonus KTY tokens
  • bidding any amount over 6 eth Gives you 600 extra bonus KTY tokens. It must be greater than 6 eth even if its just lit fraction over like 6.00002 eth.

To QUALIFY for a bonus a referral link like “/?ref=0x9324324MUST be used in conjunction with dutch auction URL like this: Make sure you obtain one from a friend or any community participator on our discord channel.

Bidding walkthrough

  • Install Metamask on firefox or chrome:
  • Fund an account in your metamask wallet
  • Got to: ( Use link with referral code like this: to get up to 40% bonus )
  • Navigate to the Bidding section labeled “KittieFight Utility Token Benefits”
  • Enter an amount of eth to bid in the input box and click bid
  • Make sure to Use a high transaction fee like $0.20 / 5 gwei, since the bidding function of the smart contract is gas intensive
  • Accept the transaction in the Metamask popup
  • Click on the pop-up directing you to discord, join us there, ask questions and wait for the time to claim your tokens.
  • After the auction is ended, there is a 45 day waiting period before tokens can be claimed, to enable us to launch our Dapp alpha. The kittieFIGHT token is strictly a utility token and we want to make sure it is able to be used as such within the dapp game prior to any trading activities.

Bidder bonus special Tutorial

If you would like even MORE bonus KTY tokens by referring more friends, you can do so because your address was automatically signed up to the referral systems during your bid for KTY tokens. All you need to do now is retrieve your referral link and share with friends :

  • Head over to
  • Look for the section with “Get Referral Link” button, enter your KTY address previously used to bid into the input box
  • Click the “Get Referral Link” button
  • You can now copy and promote your new referral link to your friends
Bidders generating referral links
  • Join us on Discord, go the “dutch-auction-claims” and Bounties based channels to have your questions answered, follow developments on dates for token claims and Eth referral competition news

Bounty referrals Tutorial

As a member of the KittiFIGHT community, you get to earn tokens by helping the dutch auction reach its goals by inviting dutch auction bidding participators to bid on the dutch auction. There is Also a large ETH/Ether reward for the top referrers of bidders(see: Ether Top 20 Competition ). The people you refer must bid a minimum of 1 eth minimum for you to earn bonus tokens. They must also use your referral link, generated from your Ethereum address that looks like this: . Here is what each individual bidder referred will help you earn:

  • If your bidder bids between 1- 3 eth, you earn 100 extra bonus KTY tokens
  • If your bidder bids between 3- 6 eth, you earn 600 extra bonus KTY tokens
  • If your bidder bids over 6 eth, you earn 1000 extra bonus KTY tokens

Bounty referrals walkthrough

  • If you qualify for the “Ether Top 20 Competition”, each week you can vote to have eth/ether paid out to the top 20, as long as the auction soft cap goal of $300,000 in eth/ether is attained
  • see: Ether Top 20 Competition for more details
  • Join us on Discord, go the Bounties channel to have your questions answered

Ether Top 20 Competition :

A total possible raise of $3 million represents the hard cap with a soft cap of 10% or $300,000. The soft cap is established to determine the point at which the top 20 referrers (community participators ) are eligible to vote to have payouts made to them. The amount of auction funds disbursed to the top 20 Referrers is 10% of total funds raised as long as the soft cap figure (10% of the hard cap or $300,000) is attained and majority i.e more than 10 of the top 20 votes to have the funds disbursed. This is a one-time event and cannot be repeated

Conditions to disburse 10% of funds raised:

  • 10% of the hard cap or $300,000 in ETH/ETHER must have been attained. i.e greater than $300 thousand in eth must have been raised by the auction
  • Majority i.e more than 10 of the top 20 referrers votes must pass, to have the funds disbursed.
  • Once 10% of the hard cap or $300,000 is attained, a vote is held every FRIDAY by the top 20 referrers to determine if disbursements will be made at that point
  • If a majority or not enough quorum/participants no action is taken
  • Votes are held on discord, every Friday in the “top20-ether-competition” channel

Distribution Rules :

  • 10% of all funds raised are disbursed to top 20 referrers
  • First place out of all top 20 referrers gets 25% of the funds disbursed
  • Second place out of all top 20 referrers gets 15% of the funds disbursed
  • Third place out of all top 20 referrers gets 10% of the funds disbursed
  • the rest of the disbursed funds( 50% ) is disbursed equally to all 17 remaining participators

This means that at the very minimum of $300,000 soft cap the 10% = $30,000 in Eth will be shared to participants as follows:

  1. $7500 payable in Ether to 1s place referer
  2. $4500 payable in Ether to 2n place referer
  3. $3000 payable in Ether to 3rd place referer
  4. $15000 payable in Ether, disbursed equally to rest of 17 participating top referrers

At a hard cap of $3 million, 10% = $300,000 in Eth will be shared to participants as follows:

  1. $75,000 payable in Ether to 1s place referer
  2. $45,000 payable in Ether to 2n place referer
  3. $30,000 payable in Ether to 3rd place referer
  4. $150,000 payable in Ether, disbursed equally to rest of 17 participating top referrers

Checking the top 20 referrers

KTY Ether Top 20 Competition

Marketing Partners Tutorial

This opportunity is available on a case by case basis to those with large platforms and would like to share directly in the success of the distribution efforts and pricing discovery. As a marketing partner, you get to earn a percentage of the ether bid by the dutch auction participators you send to bid on the auction. The percentage alotted is determined on a case by case basis and up to 40% of each bid.

You also earn KTY tokens for each bidder referred according to a regular refferers role. All bids and referrals are automatically tracked by the smart contract. All progress made on referrals can be checked either directly in the smart contract through Etherscan or by going to a portal we created :

  • Join us on Discord, go the Partnerships channel to sign up and have your questions answered

Claiming KTY tokens

After the auction is ended, there is a 45 day waiting period before tokens can be claimed, to enable us to launch our Dapp alpha. The kittieFIGHT token is strictly a utility token and we want to make sure it is able to be used as such within the dapp game prior to any trading activities. The are 3 main modes of claiming KTY tokens. There are 3 modes because of the various ways in which tokens could be earned by various types of actors in our community:

  1. Claim Tokens; Simple way to claim your KTY tokens if you were a bidder in the dutch auction
  2. Claim Bonus tokens; If you were a referrer or a bidder who earned extra bonus tokens, your addition bonus KTY tokens earned can be claimed this way
  3. Marketing Bonus Tokens; If you signed up specifically through us on Discord as a marketing partner, your KTY Tokens is claimed this way


Our roadmap is delayed slightly due to preparations for this auction, but we do need a couple of weeks to deploy the first iterations as well as a push down the road, here is a brief overview of our roadmap:

KittieFIGHT Roadmap

For more information about KittieFIGHT

Help us discover a valuation for the kittieFIGHT token economy here or just Bounty Hunt in exchange for KTY tokens.

Game demo:

BountyOX Podcast :

Anarchast Interview: write-up:

How it works:

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KTY tokens are functional utility tokens within the KittieFIGHT Dapp game platform. KTY tokens are not securities. KTY tokens are non-refundable. KTY tokens are not for speculative investment. No promises of future performance or value are or will be made with respect to KTY, including no promise of inherent value, no promise of continuing payments, and no guarantee that KTY will hold any particular value. KTY tokens are not participating in a Company and KTY tokens hold no rights, they are simple utility tokens necessary in a decentralized gaming mechanism. KTY tokens are sold as a functional good and all proceeds received by KittieFIGHT may be spent freely on development absent any conditions. KTY tokens are intended for experts in dealing with crypto economic tokens utility and blockchain-based software systems.




Founder @superdaoHQ @pokereum @kittieFIGHT Software Engineer/architech. Innovator. #Eth #CryptoeconomicSystems #Defi #flashloans. old paths,way,truth & life