We have finally launched kittieFIGHT unto the Ethereum rinkeby testnet and in order to prepare for Ethereum main net release. KittieFIGHT was conceived in the first quarter of 2018 and has been in development since then with several iterations. KittieFIGHT was the obvious solution to the then declining growth of the Cryptkitties platform, in need of utility for community NFT kitties holders. This presented an opportunity for mutual growth of both platforms. Now that KittieFIGHT is on the testnet, we will be holding a series of (actual Ether/Eth) testnet games to battle-test our platform. More details in this tutorial :https://blog.superdao.io/kittiefight-gameplay-tutorial-how-to-play-f2a1a64e34fb
KittieFight is Mortal Kombat for Cryptokitties. For every fight match, there is an Eth & KTY token jackpot to be won in every game. The ETH & KTY tokens are awarded and shared between players in winning groups/coalitions of fight match sessions. These Fight matches utilize customized fighting kittie avatars derived from the Cryptokitties platform and Crytokittie’s holders. Both/opposing sides in games start off with a level 50% winning probability, but the best performance based on the collective and incremental and frequent Ether bets actually wins game.. Fight matches on the KittieFIGHT platform are interesting experiments in opposing coalition competition over vast sums of money, and additional competition between players within the same coalition or group with various interesting group behavioral outcomes. You can read more about the game theory dynamics in the whitepaper here : https://www.kittiefight.io/whitepaper
KittieFIGHT’s kittie avatar are actually controlled by supporting players. Just like how the cheering crowd at a boxing match motivates boxers to box, in the case of kittyFight, the crowd bet on each kitty they are in support of, causing their kitty to attack the opponent. The supporters choose which cat to bet on, resulting in action on the part of the chosen cat. The actions are as a result of bets placed on the blockchain.
The outcome of the betting results of each crowd participant causes events emitted from the blockchain api service to the front-end/UX resulting in kitty animation actions (punching, scratching, etc). The actions result in damage which is reflected in opposing cat through vibration and or shaking or blocks.
Bets are comprised of two requirements from a supporter; KTY Tokens and Ether. The size of Eth contributed in a bet by each supporting bettor over the lifetime of the game, also determines if the supporting bettor is eligible to win the lion ‘s share of honeypot/jackpot.
Tokens are also paid into the system as a means to prevent spam, address fees, thereby increasing utility, consequently increasing demand and value of KTY tokens as the platform awareness grows. Players can enter to compete and earn Eth and KTY tokens freely as long as they already own kitties from the Cryptokitties network. Supporting bettors do not need to have NFT kitties from the Cryptokitties network. The Ether and KTY tokens in each honeypot associated with each game serves as incentive to pay required fees in KTY tokens in-order to participate in a game.
Marketplace :
Games scheduled over several intervals can be accessed and joined from the marketplace portal. Games are created from previously listed Cryptokitties NFT kitties by the owners of the Kittie NFT. There is a limit to daily games played, but such limits will be removed as resources become unbounded. The marketplace displays scheduled games, Newly listed NFT kitties and dead kitties. Dead kitties are kitties stuck in kittieHELL forever and kittieHELL is a place where losers of fight matches are sent to be memorialized but never to be used again.
Playing First public testnet game
From the marketplace you can join the first ever public game to be held on NOV 2nd 2019 here : https://www.kittiefight.io/fight?gameid=25 .
To join a fight, you will need to have Ethereum rinkeby KTY tokens and Rinkeby Ether to pay the transaction fees. Join the discord and receive free test ETH and tokens to play. :https://discord.gg/rgQ5F3R . Also follow this guide to learn how to play : https://blog.superdao.io/kittiefight-gameplay-tutorial-how-to-play-f2a1a64e34fb
Special place in hell for Losers
As explained above; kittieHELL is a place where losers of fight matches are sent to be memorialized but never to be used again. This is true with the exception that you can redeem a losing kittie within a certain amount of time as long as the price to redeem is paid within that time frame. In order to fulfill the redemption price from kittieHELL, several hundred NFT kitties must be BURNED and a fee in KTY tokens proportional to winning kitties earning, must be paid within a certain time frame. The burned kitties can be almost worthless kitties costing less than $0.0001 thus enabling a potentially expensive NFT kittie to be redeemed. The main Idea is that the mechanism creates scarcity for the Cryptokitties platform enabling the Cryptokitties community to benefit from rise in value through scare kitties.
Summary & Competition
We will be holding a set of public testnet games on NOV 2nd 2019 and NOV 9th 2019 and the very first Ethereum Main- Net Game on Nov / Dec 2019. For both testnet game dates, $500 will be credited to the top 10 bettors in Ether. The top 2 bettors in each testnet game will be each be awarded additional $500. Actual top bettors from the First (NOV 2nd 2019) and second (NOV 9th 2019) testnet games are chosen as Black-corner and Red-corner for first main-net game competition. All Payouts are in Main-net Ether and KTY Token, scheduled for our main net release Nov / Dec 2019 .
Note : Main net launch date is affected and determined by the speed by which smart contract audits are finalized. Please check the following ledger for the rules of the competition and expected payout dates : https://paper.dropbox.com/published/KittieFIGHT-Competition-Payout-Ledger--AlDkqpuLwj2Y2~VnIgCS1p9WBg-ps39SdlaEBwm9HnzgNNAJ7L