Tutorial; How to stake Uniswap Liquidity Pool Tokens in the “Volcano” Yield farming program

Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2020

The Volcano yield farming program is allocated 7% (or 7,000,000 ) of the total fixed KTY token supply and 7% (or 7,000,000 ) of the total fixed SDAO token supply for the 6 month program duration. 10% (700,000 KTY & 700,000 SDAO) out of the program allocations are auto awarded to yield farmers who participate within the first 21 days of the volcano program launch, and as long as they continue till the end of the program duration.

Yield farmers are free to unstake collateral at any time, but only eligible to withdraw yield as long as participation time exceeds a minimum of 1 month schedule with the program schedule. The allocated KTY and SDAO tokens in the Volcano unlocks gradually over time each month and yield farmers receive share of the unlocked KTY and SDAO tokens over time for a duration of 6 months.

Monthly Reward unlock Rate

90% or 6,300,000 of total 7,000,000 KTY tokens and.
90% or 6,300,000 of total 7,000,000 SDAO tokens.
of total program allocation are distributed over each month for duration of the 6 month program as such:

  • KTY : 30% | 25% | 15% | 10% | 10% | 10%
  • SDAO : 16.5% | 16.5% | 16.5% | 16.5% | 16.5% | 16.5% | 17.5%

Each of the number percentages in the columns represent the percentage of the total KTY an SDAO token allotments, that is distributed to liquidity providers each month, going from month 1 to 6, starting from left to right.

Early bonus

10% or 700,000 of total 7,000,000 KTY tokens and.
10% or 700,000 of total 7,000,000 SDAO tokens.
of total program allocation are distributed to early participants as such:

  • 10% or 700,000 KTY and SDAO of the total program tokens allotment is set aside for first 21 days participating Yield farmers.
  • Participators must stake uniswap liquidity tokens within first 21 days of volcano launch to be eligible for bonus.
  • Participators must also stake uniswap liquidity tokens throughout the 6 month duration to get bonus.
  • 10% or 700,000 KTY and SDAO BONUS tokens is shared proportionally by weight with all stakers fulfilling staking requirements of bonus condition during the first 21days and program duration and can auto withdraw at the end of yield farming program.
  • Participators can unstake at anytime and get regular monthly bonus, based on monthly requirement.
Volcano yield farming program


  1. Acquire Rinkeby testnet KTY : 0x8D05F69bd9E804EB467c7e1f2902Ecd5E41a72dA
  2. Acquire Rinkeby Ether on Rinkeby network .
  3. Too add KTY-ETH Liquidity to Uniswap: Follow the link below, connect metamask to add both KTY and ETH to liquidity pool : https://app.uniswap.org/#/add/0xc778417E063141139Fce010982780140Aa0cD5Ab/0x8D05F69bd9E804EB467c7e1f2902Ecd5E41a72dA.
Add KTY ETH Liquidity

You will receive KTY-ETH liquidity token which you. can then lock in the Volcano yield farming program.

KTY-ETH liquidity token

4. Approve Uniswap KTY-ETH liquidity token and Lock into Volcano yield farming on : https://www.kittiefight.io/yield-farming

Approve Uniswap KTY-ETH liquidity

That is it! you can sit back and earn as much as you can handle over the next 6 months!

Things to note

APY: Annual percentage yield, represents the percentage in relation to locked LP that you stand to earn of yield farming program duration

Multipliers :Estimated multiples of number of KTY. and SDAO tokens you stand to earn over the yield farming program duration

Earned rewards : Actual number of KTY. and SDAO tokens you stand to earn over the yield farming program duration

Volcano Program Details

Audits: Audit results should be available on or before 11:59 EST, October 5th, 2020. We have also provided several security measures to ensure safety of user funds, like modularity and extensive internal and external testing .




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