Superdot Studio Highlights in 2021

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4 min readJan 18, 2022

An exciting and — despite Covid — happy year lies behind us. We emerge strengthened from 2021 and would like to look back on the highlights with you.

In particular, we want to thank all our clients and project partners who worked with us last year: Age-Foundation, Amt für Kultur Basel-Landschaft, Birkhäuser Verlag, Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft, Bundesamt für Statistik, Christoph Merian Foundation, Fondation Botnar, Gesundheitsdepartement Basel-Stadt, Gremper AG, Hochschule Luzern – Design & Kunst, Hochschule der Künste Bern, Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, Kickstarter, Leopold Bachmann Foundation, Lonza, Road to Bern, Roche, Staatsarchiv Basel-Stadt, Unicef, Velux Foundation and Zeit Magazin.

SDGraphical — Dataviz book about the sustainable development goals

One of the biggest highlights for Superdot was the collaboration with Road to Bern and the Swiss Federal Statistical Office for the UN World Data Forum in Bern. In a book, together with the FSO, we made the progress of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) visible with innovative visualizations. We realized the elaborate book production together with Gremper AG.

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Visual system for catering planning in housing estates

The Swiss Age-Foundation is concerned with the topic of living in old age. For the latest issue of its annual publication “Age-Dossier”, we developed a visual language and six graphics. In it, the complex challenge of planning cross-age gastronomy in housing estates is examined from different perspectives.

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Maps of Germany for ZEIT Magazin

For the series “Deutschlandkarte” of the ZEIT Magazin we produced two graphics. The starting point for both projects was a special data set compiled by journalists. The first one was about German villages with animal names and the second one was about the parts of the Berlin Wall that still exist today.

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Teaching information design at universities

In 2021, the second year of “Data Design and Art” students has already started their studies at the HSLU in Lucerne. We helped shape this curriculum and are proud that it is the first bachelor in Switzerland entirely dedicated to the subject of data visualization. Our commitments as guest lecturers in the BA Digital Ideation, MA Design, MAS Corporate Communication and CAS Data Visualization are and remain another important matter close to our hearts.

Learn more about our teaching offer

On Data Design goes digital and global

In the Corona year 2021, we welcomed — mainly virtually — eight guests to our lecture series “On Data and Design” at three events. In the case of “Open Data Design”, one lecture even took place in person on site in Basel at a hybrid event, with two speakers connected to the event. The event on the Sustainable Development Goals broke all records with over 700 live viewers from all over the world on the YouTube livestream.

Watch the presentations on YouTube

Social media for Superdot and our customers

After our rebranding from YAAY to Superdot in 2020, we invested heavily in our social media presence. With success! On Instagram and Linkedin, our followers doubled in 2021. Increasingly, we now offer a social media package for our client projects, with top-notch imagery and video to promote the visualizations we’ve realized, tailored for each channel.

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Visualizing Complexity — Modular Information Design Handbook

After ten years of working in the field of information design, Nicole Lachenmeier and Darjan Hil felt it was time to summarize their practical experience in a book. The result is a system — Modular Information Design — which will be published as a book in German and English by Birkhäuser Verlag in May this year. As you may have heard, we have launched and successfully completed a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter with over 750 backers from over 40 countries!

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Superdot is in the business of making complex issues understandable, visual and enjoyable with innovative digital and analog solutions.