An Interview with Révolutionnaire Founders Nia Faith Betty and Justice Faith Betty

How can a dreamer be empowered to revolutionize? Co-Founders of Révolutionnaire give their insight.

Marina Hyndman
6 min readAug 9, 2021


Révolutionnaire co-founders Justice (left) and Nia (right).

Not long after superego launched on Medium, Co-Founders of Révolutionnaire Justice Faith Betty (24) and Nia Faith Betty (19) reached out to superego to create a collaboration between both platforms. After meeting it was apparent that we both value the same ideals; young people are the catalyst for change that we crave to see. superego is looking forward to engaging our community on our Révolutionnaire Group Hub through article discussions, contributor Q&A’s, and much more! Join our discussion and take action by joining Révolutionnaire today.

MH: We’re meeting virtually to learn more about the story and Founders behind Révolutionnaire. Nia and Justice, can you tell us about yourselves?

Justice presenting her valedictorian speech at Columbia University.

Justice Faith Betty: I am Justice Faith Betty (@thejusticefaith). I am an alumna of the Dual BA Program between Columbia University and Sciences Po Paris. I graduated from Columbia as valedictorian with degrees in political science and law.

Nia in the first photo shoot for Révolutionnaire’s dance apparel line.

Nia Faith Betty: Nia Faith Betty (@niafaith), Justice and I are sisters and Co- Founders of Révolutionnaire. I currently study at Howard University to continue my dance education through the Chadwick A Boseman College of Fine Arts’ BFA program.

MH: What is Révolutionnaire?

JFB: Révolutionnaire is a movement to celebrate diversity and empower individuals to use their dreams to fuel revolutions. Révolutionnaire does this through a recently launched social network for changemakers and collection of apparel and accessories designed to celebrate the skin you’re in.

MH: What inspired you to create Révolutionnaire?

NFB: As a lifelong dancer, I saw the need for diverse apparel offerings that went beyond the limited nude colorways to suit dancers of all backgrounds. After spending countless hours dyeing dancewear to match my skin tone and experiencing a segregated studio, I knew it was time for change. I launched Révolutionnaire’s inclusive clothing line to serve and empower all individuals.

MH: What caused you to expand Révolutionnaire to a social network?

JFB: I was inspired by Révolutionnaire’s impact within the dance industry and given that we both have a passion for social change, Nia and I made it our mission to build Révolutionnaire into a platform to address a range of social justice issues. The aftermath of last summer drove the impetus of Révolutionnaire’s expansion. The summer saw unprecedented waves of online and offline changemaking with youth mobilizing as catalysts of change. However, the tools that many were using were not designed with us in mind. The experience was fragmented with us often having to navigate numerous platforms at a time and then come face-to-face with hate speech, shadowbanning, misinformation, privacy concerns, chaotic group chats, and more. These challenges have been longstanding and it has historically been tough to stay informed, connected, and feel equipped to take action. Therefore Révolutionnaire was created as a dedicated safe space for young people to connect, learn, take action, and recharge with the network, tools, and information designed to scale impact across social causes.

Révolutionnaire team members and friends attending a protest in New York City.

MH: What content is showcased on your social network?

NFB: The Révolutionnaire content library features articles and videos explaining key issues, step-by-step action playbooks, and a soon to be launched recharge hub with self-care and mindfulness content. From the start, Révolutionnaire has prioritized creating accessible and engaging content that members can interact with and feel empowered by. Alongside content, Révolutionnaire houses a one-stop-shop for changemaking tools (e.g., petitions, fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, workshops, donation drives, email campaigns).

JFB: Together the content and embedded action items represent Révolutionnaire’s core functions as a digital education and action platform. Through meaningful conversations and connections, we look forward to being growing as an amplification platform for Gen Z.

MH: Already we have seen Révolutionnaire evolve into a bigger platform, do you have plans to continue to evolve?

NFB: With a vision of incubating a generation of changemakers, Révolutionnaire has big plans to continue to evolve. An important aspect of this evolution is forming meaningful partnerships with organizations and groups such as superego that focus on centering Gen Z voices, opinions, power and influence. Révolutionnaire is excited to continue to grow as a launchpad and hub for Gen Z changemakers around the world and support a movement driven by community, information, and action.

MH: Is there an achievement or contribution that you are most proud of?

JFB: Révolutionnaire is most proud to have launched and the reception received so far. It is so encouraging to hear from young people everyday that they feel as if Révolutionnaire was personally designed for them. And the fact is, it was. In addition to Nia and I as co-founders, the Révolutionnaire team consists of over 30 Gen Z changemakers, activists, and community organizers who continue to bring their experiences, pain points, and solutions to the table to build a platform that serves the needs of young people looking to make a difference in their communities and beyond.

Révolutionnaire Director of Ops, Leah, with her friends at the Women’s March.

MH: Have there been any challenges since you created Révolutionnaire?

NFB: One unexpected challenge has been finding balance amidst the excitement and pressures of introducing a new venture to the world. Révolutionnaire is a product of passion and purpose and in the early days it was easy to stay up all night obsessing over research and ideation. And while it is so fun to build and throw oneself into their work 100%, it is still important to take the time to step back and recharge on a regular basis.

JFB: Recharging is a fundamental pillar of the Révolutionnaire platform and probably the most significant. The following quote from Angela Davis often comes to mind, “Anyone who’s interested in making change in the world also has to learn to care of herself, himself, theirselves.”

MH: What have you learned about advocacy work since founding Révolutionnaire?

JFB: A lot of young people struggle with wanting to make a difference, but often feel like they do not know where to start. Révolutionnaire wants to make this work more accessible through a platform that first and foremost builds community to ensure individuals feel supported along their changemaking journey and streamlining access.

MH: How does this generation of changemakers inspire you on your mission to revolutionize?

JFB: Révolutionnaire believes in the power and insight of young people to positively impact their communities, and that young people must be leading the fight for economic, social, and racial justice. This platform and community was created to give young people an entry to changemaking, activism and organizing, connect young changemakers, and build youth power because young people are experts in their own experience and deserve a voice in crafting solutions to problems we are experiencing.

NFB: Today, Gen Z is uniquely positioned to scale our impact through unprecedented access to and use of technology, education, and unrelenting passion for these issues that affect us and our communities. This passion is largely driven by the fact that the vast majority of these issues have reached a turning point during our lifetimes and with so much on the line and so much power in our hands, we are not in a position to wait on the sidelines for others to figure it out. Instead we are using our voices, our networks, and the power of collective action to create the change that we dream of and fuel revolutions.

Révolutionnaire Director of Ops, Leah, at a Black Lives Matter protest.

MH: How can a person become involved with Révolutionnaire?

JFB: Sign up for Révolutionnaire at As a member you can look forward to meeting like-minded people looking to make a difference, learn about issues of interest to you, take action through Révolutionnaire’s action library and petition hub, and recharge with a curated collection of mindfulness and self-care resources. This is a space for you and the causes you care about. Join the revolution today.

Marina Hyndman is Head Writer and Content Strategist at superego media.



Marina Hyndman

“We read to know we are not alone.” — C.S. Lewis