Clube Superela: Developing a mobile app with Xamarin — Part 1

What is Clube Superela?

Joilson Cisne
1 min readJun 16, 2016


Clube Superela is a community where women can help each other by asking/responding questions about their life problems. The problem areas vary from life and money to sexuality and relationship.

Next two weeks

After studying and discussing about the product roadmap for the new Clube Superela mobile app, the initial development path was decided. In the next 2 weeks, a prototype will be developed with the objective of stressing the team capability of delivering value in a fast pace when using Xamarin platform.


Only a small subset of features currently available at Clube Superela will be implemented in the given timeframe (2 weeks). The features will be implemented following this sequence:

  1. List all questions*
  2. List all answers of a question*
  3. List most recent questions*
  4. List questions of a given category*
  5. Login (email + password)
  6. Login (Facebook)
  7. Only logged user should see the answers*
  8. Make a question
  9. Answer a question

(*A fake storage will provide that data to be listed.)

The Importance

The results of this initial development will be very important to decide if the current path should be followed.

See you in the next post. If you like it so far, click in the green heart below. ;)

