How to create exciting perks and benefits for your superfans

Thakur Rahul Singh
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2020

Getting this right is the most important step is ensuring you are able to convince your superfans to part with their money to support you.

While there could be many superfans out there who would simply choose to buy virtual gifts to support you and to help you continue what you’re doing, a great way to make your superfans feel special is by offering perks and benefits that rest of your audience does not get.

When done consistently, this can go a long way in helping you monetize directly from your audience and establishing you as a creator worth supporting.

While the perks you choose to offer can vary depending on how the superfan supports you, but it is important to offer something more than what the regular audience gets.

Here are some of the perks and benefits you can offer to your superfans who choose to support you

All of the below may not make sense to your or your superfans, so pick and choose the ones that have the highest impact for you without spending too much time and effort.

Recognition & gratitude

  • Shoutouts on social media: Simply giving a thank you shoutout to your superfans on your Instagram story (or your blogs/videos etc.) will make their day. It will also make more of your audience aware of your Superfans page.
  • A personal thank you note: You can choose to send a personal thank you note to your superfans. This could be via email or even a DM. If you want to take the extra step, you can send in handwritten notes as well!
  • Credits: You can also include a list of all your superfans at the end of your videos, in your post captions on your blogs.
  • Dedicated post: You could also do a dedicated post each month where you thank all your superfans on your social media accounts by tagging them.

Apart from the above, you can obviously get creative on how to say thank you and show gratitude, there are no rules here!

Access & Engagement

  • Behind the scenes: There is a lot that goes behind the scenes while creating content. Offering a sneak peek into what goes behind your content creation can make for an exciting perk.
  • Share what goes behind your content creation and how you actually create content. There’s a lot of work that goes behind creating content. Sharing your process, your research, etc. will make your superfans feel special.
  • Content ideas: Ask your superfans to suggest content topics and create content on those topics. It will make your superfans feel important and valued.
  • Deleted clips/uncut footage/bloopers: To make your content short and crisp, often a lot of the footage gets edited out from the main cut. Sharing the uncut footage, bloopers, etc. will build good excitement and a feeling of connecting between you and your superfans.
  • Collaborate with your superfans: In any of your content pieces, you can choose to collaborate with your superfans. They could feature in your content, be a part of the creation journey etc.


  • Webinars & video calls: On one day a month, you can get all your superfans together over a group video call for a QnA session, interaction, or simply a casual conversation around any topic that is relevant. This will build your superfan community more than anything else as this is highly personal and interactive. This also gives your superfans a way to get to know you more intimately.
  • Special requests: You can also entertain your superfans’ special requests as long as they are reasonable.
  • Guaranteed response to DM’s & Comments: As creators and influencers, you probably receive 100’s of comments and DM’s a day. Make sure to reply to your superfans! This will make them feel valued and a part of your tribe.

Hope this article helps you in thinking through how your perks and benefits should be designed for your superfans. The point is, they need to be in such a way that makes your superfans feel valued.



Thakur Rahul Singh

Co-Founder at Winkl. Building the world's largest community of bloggers, influencers, creators and helping brands run memorable influencer marketing campaigns!