How to setup an effective Superfans page that can help you monetise

Thakur Rahul Singh
Published in
4 min readApr 21, 2020

Setting up a thoughtful and a persuasive Superfans page is a very important step to ensure that you can actually monetise. The messaging and the communication needs to be on point and the perks should be something that your audience cares about.

Profile picture

The profile picture you upload must show your face clearly and something that your audience relates with, which is very likely to be what’s on your social media accounts. Don’t stress too much over it and use the same one that is uploaded on your social media accounts. Treating the profile picture as your logo can help make it easier for your audience to build familiarity when they show up on your Superfans page from your social media accounts.

If you use an actual logo on your social media accounts, feel free to use that as the purpose here is to build familiarity for your audience, they need to see something they are already familiar with.

Description of what you do

This is a short 100 characters description on what you create which shows right below your profile picture and name. This description is best kept short and highly specific to your niche or what you think superfans will pay you for.

Right example: Neha creates 10 minute daily fitness videos for young working professionals between 25 to 35 yrs of age.

Wrong example: Neha creates fitness videos for everyone!

The more specific your description is, the higher the likelihood that someone visiting your page will actually consider supporting you and becoming a paid member because they find instant value on what you are creating.

Try to think through what is that one thing your superfans love about you? That could be a good start on what to put in the description box.

This also is the trick when you are trying to sustain as a creator. Creating something very valuable for a small number of people is more easy to monetise than creating something mediocrely valuable for large number of people.

To conclude, make it something very specific and niche based. The smaller the niche, higher is the chance that someone might you!

About section

This is the section where you pour your heart out, well almost! Make this highly personal and about the “why” behind what you do. The about section should be something that your audience can really connect with. If you are working on a specific project, mention that. If you are trying to get to a goal, mention that and get your superfans to join you in this journey.

Make the best use of this section as a way to pitch to your superfans to join you by supporting you and/or subscribing to your paid memberships!

Motivations & benefits

Superfans tend to fall somewhere along the spectrum of being highly support-motivated or highly benefit-motivated. More often than not, your fans will be some combination of both, so it is important to be able to speak to both types of motivations. Think about your emotional and practical narrative: what story will be compelling to your fans who just love what you do and want to support you? Then think about what will appeal to your fans who are looking for more benefits and content.

Motivation #1 — Your emotional narrative

Your emotional narrative is all about what your superfans mean to you — it is the heart and soul of your story. Is the community element and close-knit relationship with your superfans the thing that gets you excited? Is it how your superfans help make it possible for you to create what you love? Only you will know the right answer to this, so spend a little time thinking about what feels right to you. Transparency and openness with your audience is key here. For creators who do not offer bonus/exclusive content, it is extra important that they communicate a really strong emotional narrative to their audience.

Motivation #2 — Your practical narrative

Your practical narrative is all about the benefits that you offer. These can be bonus or extended episodes of the content you produce, promo codes, merch, etc. Some benefits may be experiential, like having access to a superfans-only community or voting on the topic for a piece of upcoming content.

Whatever you decide are your core benefits, it’s important to regularly tell your regular audience about them, so that they’ll know what they’ll get from joining your membership. In fact, in general, be sure to tell your regular audience about your Superfans page as often as possible — remember, your fans won’t know what they’re missing if you don’t tell them.



Thakur Rahul Singh

Co-Founder at Winkl. Building the world's largest community of bloggers, influencers, creators and helping brands run memorable influencer marketing campaigns!