Case Study: In-house advertising:-

Snehaal Dhruv
Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2020


As an in-house endeavor at tipping the scales in its favor, Superfan had opened the throttle to race ahead in terms of market visibility. The campaign’s central idea snowballed with a reincarnation — Superfan Studio — creating a brand name that resonates with everybody.

To make the social circles aware of the genesis of a change in terms of user engagement, the team members took to the task. It was an in situ process, where each member of the Superfan fraternity posted about the step-by-step developments on social media.Without resorting to an extensive and flamboyant PR support, the unified effort of the working unit at Superfan has brought change in figures and statistics. Interactivity, that it promises to raise the bar of in terms of company-consumer dynamics, increased by a considerable margin by this home-spun marketing campaign.


To create a buzz — not a ruckus — on all social media circles, was Superfan’s leitmotif. What makes it different, is that it highlights personal involvement, sans the austere corporate stance. The primary approach was to integrate the many microcosms that exist on each of the employee’s social media, both personal and professional, and gain their rapport. Friends, followers and family were to be taken as allies and confidants, to achieve an ascending progression in spreading brand awareness.


The strategy was to gradually step from one rung to the other, thus forming a cohesive pattern in the marketing strategy. Superfan’s USP borders on democratizing AR, so it started off with a personal touch. Be it acquaintances on Facebook or real-life, the team aspired to achieve a multiple-age group proclivity and spread the word of AR along with Superfan’s coronation.

The schematics go like this:

Any post→ Anointed Superfan handles→Picked by teammates→Personalized by adding delegated content and description→Published on each of the squad’s individual social handles, pro bono

Superfan’s socials — Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube and others, collectively serve as the big banyan tree housing all the campaign posts.


To strike the gong of change: making augmented reality an approachable concept for all and sundry. The campaign bears the moniker of ‘AR is the Next Video.’ That AR templates are a bona fide marketing solution, was supported by a series of fastidious posts- blogs, videos and teaser flicks showcasing some striking AR filters.

One unique epiphany- A moving collage:

Among the many unified efforts of the team, one such strategy made each one stand apart from the other, but merging the Superfan insignia all the same. The employees used one such Superfan-made filter, Tony Stark AR Sunglasses, posted the augmented photos and videos on their respective social circles.

Hype from going hyperreal; reality extended and expanded by using augmented reality and in turn, the change in profile pictures and adding to stories intrigued each employee’s social-base. Discrete videos were taken from each one, including Superfan’s skipper, and used in a collage to further propagate Superfan’s word.

N.B. This particular filter was used only to be revealed later that Superfan will be providing this as a free template on its website.


Considering the ravages and repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the idea was to maintain a low-key but impactful advertising. Experimental initially, the method soon became an exercise in regularity. The result of this in-house enterprise was increasingly positive- the one which doesn’t scare away anyone.

Account activity and engagement hiked when each post made its presence, catalyzed further by the teammates.

Some fact-bound analytics:

  • On Facebook, one proclamation topped the charts with an organic reach of 22.7K.
Facebook insights
  • On LinkedIn, both desktop and mobile traffic shot up the curve and reached similar zenith in terms of visibility.
LinkedIn metrics
  • On Pinterest, there was a consistent rise in the infographics of audience trysts.
Pinterest analytics
  • On Instagram, the aggregate growth increased in leaps to beyond borderline reach, adding 716 accounts to Superfan’s former patron-base.
Instagram insights

Even after the preliminary posts of the campaign have relapsed, the communication synapses stay unsevered. Superfan is as secular as it gets, in terms of promotions as well as entrepreneurship on AR.



Snehaal Dhruv

Speaker | SparkAR | Snap Partner | FB, Insta, Messenger Partner | Twitter Partner | Google Partner | AI | AR | MarTech