The Institution Collector Drop

Mark Wang
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2021

Members of the SUPERVERSE watch out: There is an NFT drop happening for diligent collectors today, the Institution Collector Drop.

Those who managed to acquire one of each SuperFarm Genesis series character (Eiji, Selene, Mendo, Ba$$ & Joon) will be rewarded with an “Institution” NFT — of which only 15 will ever exist!

The Institution: The Lore of a Super Rare NFT

It’s not every day that an extremely rare NFT with a mythical past appears. Today, after a period of calm, a new enigmatic cabal has emerged in the SUPERVERSE: the Institution.

“Unseen, unknown. Their connections are far, their influence widespread. The Institution is a loose affiliation of some of the most powerful figures in modern Cryptopolis.

As a heterogeneous group of individuals whose actions can have far-reaching impacts, the institution is prone to cause a stir in the SUPERVERSE from time to time.”

While the specific utility of these prestigious NFTs is yet to be unveiled, their exclusive features will certainly make waves.

Eligible for one of these scarce Collectors NFTs are community members who managed to gather one of each SuperFarm character: Eiji, Selene, Mendo, Ba$$ & Joon. By the time of the snapshot on April 20th 2021, 15 wallets qualified. Thus, only 15 “Institution” NFTs will ever see the light of day.

More Collector Trophies to Come

For everyone not part of this NFT drop, do not worry: SuperFarm will release additional collector trophies in the future! The prerequisites for qualifying will be announced at a later date as we introduce more characters.

About SuperFarm

SuperFarm is a cross-chain DeFi protocol designed to bring utility to any token by turning it into an NFT farm with no code required. With an innovative suite of visual tools, any project can now deploy the world’s most exciting new farm with custom rules that incentivize the behaviors they value most. It’s easy to reward liquidity providers, incentivize longer stakes or even provide special access to your project’s services through NFTs with utility.

SuperFarm provides a bridge between current crypto ecosystems and the explosive gaming industry. NFTs from SuperFarm and Official Partner Farms will gain utility within real AAA video games. In this ecosystem, NFTs are no longer just pixels on a screen but hold the power to unlock unique digital experiences.




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