Whitelist Lottery for Final 3 Genesis NFT Drops

Elliot Wainman
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2021

This week SuperFarm began alpha testing of its NFT drops feature, with two drop events from the Genesis series having already taken place. While these drops have sold out in seconds, the community has raised several concerns about the format of these sales. SuperFarm wishes to address these issues and create a better user experience for the community for remaining Genesis NFT drops.

Summary of Events

This week SuperFarm conducted the first-ever drops on its alpha NFT drops platform. These drops were intended to test basic functionality of the platform and distribute our Genesis NFTs. The drops attracted over 50,000 unique visitors to our site, which is over 600X the amount of supply available with 80 NFTs being released each day.

For an alpha deployment of the site under the weight of such demand, it was a huge victory that the site did not crash and the scalability measure put in place by the team held strong. However, it is clear that modifying the current sale format would be more fair to the broader community who believe so strongly in the SuperFarm vision.

We Hear You

After the first two drops conducted on March 31 and April 1 respectively, the community has made clear the safeguards it would like to see for the coming NFT releases. First and foremost is a whitelist and lottery system that gives community members a chance to purchase an NFT without being pitted against sophisticated bots.

The team is listening and hears the community feedback loud and clear. For this reason a whitelist lottery will be conducted before the remaining 240 NFTs are sold. This is a direct, and real-time response to the community feedback.

Whitelist Lottery Solution

In collaboration with the community, the team will proceed with a whitelist lottery solution. This means that the sale will be modified so only whitelisted addresses can purchase NFTs, based on a lottery system to ensure complete fairness.

In order to qualify for the whitelist lottery users must have been holding at least 425 SUPER before the NFT drops began, as well as be active within the SuperFarm official Telegram community. This “Proof of Life” measure is to prevent bots from getting into the whitelist.

Whitelist Lottery Solution Procedure

The process to participate in the whitelist will be very simple for SuperFarm community members.

A Google form will be opened at exactly 12PM PST on April 3, 2021 for people to submit their Ethereum addresses. The Google form will only remain open for 30 minutes, so please be prompt if you wish to participate in the sale.

Users must follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the Google Form which will be posted to the official SuperFarm Twitter Account tomorrow, April 3, 2021 at 12PM PST.
  2. Make sure to input an address that has been holding SUPER tokens since before March 31, 2021 (this prevents people spreading their coins to many addresses to bot the list)
  3. Include your Telegram handle (must be an active member of the SuperFarm official community).

After the form has been closed the team will engage in a whitelist lottery process using Google RNG to choose winners from the list. There will be 240 addresses selected.

Users will not be accepted to the whitelist lottery if they have not been holding 425 SUPER since before March 31, 2021 and are not active within the SuperFarm Official Telegram group. These measures are to prevent against bots winning whitelist spots.

The winning addresses will be published April 4 at 12PM PST, along with further information about the drop. Only addresses that have been whitelisted will be eligible to buy the remaining NFTs from the sale.

Alpha Phase

The current SuperFarm NFT Launchpad is an ALPHA release intended to test basic functionality for just one feature of the platform. In future iterations of the platform there will be a “queue” where users will get in line to buy with reasonable time allocations to make their purchases. The experience will evolve tremendously in the coming weeks for future drops. In future iterations of the launchpad, holders of NFTs will have a % chance at priority queue access based on the rarity of the NFTs they hold in their wallets.

Legendary — 90% chance of access.
Epic — 50% chance of access.
Rare — 30% chance of access.
Uncommon — 20% chance of access.
Common — 10% chance of access.

What Comes Next

As always the SuperFarm team is thrilled to have such a robust community collaborating to shape the future of the project. NFT Drops are just a single feature within the robust SuperFarm ecosystem, and much more will be rolled out soon.

The team is excited to be moving forward towards additional releases of the platform and upcoming features will see core disruptive features that differentiate SuperFarm from other platforms, including NFT Farming, NFTs for use within mainstream gaming and more.

Please monitor the official SuperFarm social media accounts for further updates.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuperFarmDao

Telegram: https://t.me/SuperFarmDAO

Website: https://superfarm.io

Telegram ANN: https://t.me/SuperFarmANN

