Announcing the Superfluid Developer SDK Suite

Superfluid Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2021

Today, we’re excited to share that we’ve just released 2 new SDK libraries into preview for developers building on Superfluid: SDK-Redux and SDK-Core. We believe these two devkits will help web3 builders accelerate their dApp’s development and deployment and, as a result, enrich the Superfluid ecosystem with new real-time financial experiences!

Create Real-time Financial Experiences With Superfluid SDKs

With SDK-Redux and SDK-Core, developers now have everything they need (i.e, code samples, guides, libraries, and advanced features like transaction listening and a Subgraph-Web3 hybrid data mode) to build production-grade dApps on top of Superfluid.

We like to think of SDK-Redux as a “batteries-included” application framework in which developers use popular frontend frameworks (e.g., React, Vue.js, Angular) to build frontend dApps that interact with the Superfluid Protocol. Its main features include:

  • Reacts Hooks for interacting with the Superfluid SDK
  • Automatic caching of queried data and prevention against duplicate requests for the same data
  • Tracking loading and transaction states for UI spinners and notifications
  • Monitoring blockchain events and transactions for cache invalidation (to re-fetch data)

SDK-Core, on the other hand, can be used for building backend infrastructure (e.g., payment monitoring, stream accounting, conditional streams) that interacts directly with the Superfluid protocol.

To see the power of SDK-Redux and SDK-Core in action, check out the following example Superfluid project here.

Build With Superfluid SDKs Today!

Developers can start building with our SDK Suite right away by exploring SDK-Redux here and SDK-Core here!

Builders should be aware that we consider this release a “developer preview,” and that we plan on launching a general availability (GA) version of the SDK Suite in Q1 2022. As such, there may be some breaking changes in the SDKs as we fine tune them between then and now — but we’d love to hear feedback from early builders using them 💪

Explore SDK-Redux’s documentation:

Explore SDK-Core’s documentation:

