Call for participation: An On-Chain Sorting Program Contest

Superfluid Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2022

Write the most gas efficient pure sorting function and win a prize!

Info Sheet

Qualifying Programs

Qualifying Steps

  • Implement a contract with the interface:
interface ISortProgram {
function sort(uint256[] calldata input) external view returns (uint256[] memory result);
  • sort function should do what one would expect it to do, it should stand any random sequences of 256bits uint256 up to 500 elements.
  • Deployed on Polygon Mainnet.
  • Call `SortProgramContest.qualify` attaching a msg.value of 10 Matic.
  • For prepared input, it should produce same result as the baseline program.
  • For random input, producing a different result than the baseline program can be “busted” and lose the entrance .

Detailed Rules

// Sorting Program Contest://// Objective: the most gas efficient pure sorting function// Rules:// - The contest lasts for `CONTEST_PERIOD`, and an additional `CHALLENGE_PERIOD` for challenge time.// - During the contest period, anyone can use the `qualify` function to submit a new porgram.// - There is an entrance fee of `ENTRANCE_FEE` for the qualification.// - The program that uses less gas than the previous program is the new "top gun".//   - There is a gas limit of `GAS_LIMIT` of how much gas the sorting function can use.//   - The gas improvement has to be at least more than `MINIMUM_GAS_IMPROVEMENT`, due to gas measurement inaccuracy// - The test input for the program is always the same.// - The contest starts with a baseline pure recursive succinct quicksort algorithm as the "top gun".// - The top gun can be challenged with a counter example, to prevent spams of any non general solutions.//   - The top gun busted will cede the top gun position to the previous top gun.// - The challenge examples are limited to `SAMPLE_LIMIT`, so that `GAS_LIMIT` could be met.// Result:// - After the `CONTEST_PERIOD`, there is still a `CHALLENGE_PERIOD`.// - After the `CHALLENGE_PERIOD`, the top gun application can collect both coins and erc20 tokens in the contract.// Note:// - There are myriads of view functions for testing purpose, read the source code!


// if you burn more gas than this, I don't know what are you doing with your life!
uint public constant GAS_LIMIT = 4e6;
uint public constant MINIMUM_GAS_IMPROVEMENT = 10e3;// let's prevent challenge from unfair difficult problems.
uint public constant SAMPLE_LIMIT = 500;
// no spam, bust it!
uint public constant ENTRANCE_FEE = 0.01e18;
// time is limited!
uint public constant CONTEST_PERIOD = 2 weeks;
// it's time to bust as many bad topguns as possible!
uint public constant CHALLENGE_PERIOD = 1 weeks;



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