Deploying Superfluid Protocol

Superfluid Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2021

Superfluid Protocol has now completed the first testing phase and is ready for a beta run with real assets beyond mere test networks.

As a powerful new financial primitive, we believe the protocol is only useful in the hands of a strong community who will use it, build on it, and take it to the next level.

Decentralization is one of the foundational stones we have built upon. We envision Superfluid as being community born, community run and community owned, slowly paving the way to full decentralization.

The first step of this long journey is a community deployment: only those who believe the protocol is valuable are planning to use and build projects on top of it would consider deploying the Superfluid smart contracts.

Protocol audited and ready for public beta

The protocol smart contracts have been audited by PeckShield (audit report), and are ready to be deployed. While we are confident in the audit, Superfluid is a very new protocol, and must be considered experimental at this stage, as there might be bugs and flaws in the design that only usage and adoption over time will be able to identify. So while audited, please be cautious when using it during this public beta phase.

In order to test out the protocol in a more controlled environment, we believe an initial deployment on the Matic and xDAI chains would be the ideal testing grounds for Superfluid. We know some of the key projects building on Superfluid are planning to launch soon on these networks so we appeal to them in primis for a successful deployment.

As the protocol matures through initial usage on these side-chains, we will be collecting usage data, potential bug reports and other metrics to continue improving the protocol over time and make it robust enough for an Ethereum Mainnet deployment. This is the first time a system like Superfluid will be live for the world to use, so we can’t wait to see what the community will build on it 👀

Community Deployment

Now, let’s get to the tech stuff. If you believe Superfluid Protocol is a useful public good and want to deploy it on the networks mentioned above all you need is some local currency (xDAI or Matic tokens) 💸, a terminal 💻, and a bit of patience.

We have written a step-by-step deployment guide, also available in our docs.

At the end of the process, be sure to transfer the governance to our multisig addresses, as provided in the guide (⚠️ careful, they are different on different chains, so make sure to transfer to the right address!).

Why transfer the governance? At this stage the smart contracts can be upgraded to safeguard funds from potential bugs or exploits, fine tune the system parameters, and add tokens to the resolver to make it inclusive for future apps and projects building on the protocol. As the tech team that devoted more time building the smart contracts we will steward the protocol in its first steps, ensuring a safe and timely path towards decentralisation. It is a necessary, but temporary phase towards a clear future: full decentralization.

If you want to learn more about our decentralization plans please reach out on Discord and we will share the roadmap milestones. Once you have deployed, let us know on Discord or Twitter!

Thanks for building with us and innovating in this incredible industry.



Superfluid Blog

Building infrastructure to enable real-time finance