Deploying Superfluid Protocol to Avalanche Mainnet

Superfluid Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2022

One of our core goals for 2022 has been getting Superfluid into the hands of as many web3 builders as possible — and that means making our protocol available on all networks where builders have signaled interest in developing applications that leverage money streaming (and the other features our protocol enables).

While we’ve made considerable progress towards this goal in recent months, we’re excited to be taking the next step by bringing support for Superfluid Protocol to Avalanche, the third largest network with EVM support!

As always, our community plays an integral role in the design, development and ongoing maintenance of Superfluid Protocol, and this launch is no different.

How to Deploy Superfluid on Avalanche

If you believe Superfluid Protocol will be useful on Avalanche (maybe your project or DAO is even planning on using it 👀), you can deploy it by following our step-by-step deployment guide, also available in our GitHub repo Wiki. All you need is some AVAX 💸, your laptop 💻, and a little bit of patience.

At the end of the deployment process, don’t forget to transfer the governance to Superfluid multisig addresses as explained in the guide.

Why transfer the governance? At this stage, the smart contracts can be upgraded to safeguard funds from potential bugs or exploits, fine-tune the system parameters, and add tokens to the resolver to make it inclusive of future apps and projects building on the protocol. As the tech team that has devoted significant time to building the smart contracts, we will steward the protocol in its first steps, ensuring a safe and timely path towards decentralization. It is a necessary, but temporary phase towards a clear future: full decentralization.

If you want to learn more about our decentralization plans please reach out on Discord and we will share the roadmap milestones. Once you have deployed, let us know on Twitter or Discord!

Thanks for building with us and innovating in this incredible industry.

Superfluid is Coming to Avalanche!

With the programmability of primitives like Super Apps and Super Tokens, we believe Superfluid is the industry’s most advanced protocol for money streaming. We’re excited that, thanks to you, users and developers on Avalanche will soon be able to experience the power of Superfluid for themselves.

The community deployment on Avalanche mainnet marks another important milestone in our journey towards full decentralization. Again, If you’re interested in deploying Superfluid on this network and becoming a part of our journey, be sure to reach out to us on Twitter or Discord — we’d be happy to answer any of your technical questions.

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