Superfluid Dashboard V2 is Live: A Radical Improvement in Money Streaming UX

Superfluid Blog
Published in
5 min readJul 21, 2022

Tl;dr: Dashboard V2 is faster, smarter, and easier to use with more features coming soon!

By Vijay Michalik, Product

The Superfluid ecosystem has grown exponentially over the past year. With 400+ projects built on Superfluid Protocol, multiple new integrations and collaborations with leaders in their respective web3 verticals, and an expansion to 6 supported EVM networks, our community of developers and partners has never been more diverse.

As the ecosystem around money streaming continues to evolve, it’s vital that crypto-native users are able to experience asset streaming and explore real-time financial applications in a simple and effortless way. That’s why today, we’re excited to be launching a completely redesigned version of our flagship user app, Superfluid Dashboard V2!

With Dashboard V2, users will be able to view, manage and control all their streams and Super Tokens via a single interface, independently from the application they used to start them. Moreover, thanks to a dedicated Ecosystem page, exploring the Superfluid ecosystem of live and upcoming real-time financial applications is much more accessible.

A User-Centric Money Streaming Experience

To make sending, receiving, and managing money streams more user-friendly, we’ve reorganized Dashboard V2 into 6 distinct tabs: Dashboard, Wrap/Unwrap, Send Stream, Activity History, Address Book, and Ecosystem.


The Dashboard tab is your home base; from here, you can see a list of all your Super Token balances in real-time and click through to see the streams associated with them.


Turn your standard ERC20s into Super Tokens to enhance them with Superfluid functionalities.

Send Stream

This is where the magic happens — create, modify, or close streams here!

Activity History

See all the Superfluid Protocol activity associated with your wallet.

Address Book

Save addresses and add names to manage your counter parties easier. The address book is fully ENS compatible, so you’ll see ENS PFPs pop up automagically!


Explore all of the live and upcoming applications built on Superfluid that you can use.

What’s New in Dashboard V2?

Dashboard V2 boasts more than improved organization and a fresh new look — it’s been completely rebuilt from the ground up using our new SDKs, and includes a number of technical improvements and new features!

⚡️ Enhanced Performance: Thanks to smart caching and improved loading logic, Dashboard V2 is up to 50x faster than its predecessor, showing you multi-network balances and activity almost instantaneously.

🌙 Dark Mode: Designed with the shadowy super coder in mind, we have an epic looking dark mode available for the entire app.

At last, Dark Mode 🥲

⚙️ Multi-Network: The EVM ecosystem is multi-chain, and so are our users and 3rd party applications — meaning Dashboard V2 should be too!

With multi-network support, you can see your tokens and streams across all networks at once, without having to switch your wallet’s network — allowing you to manage your real-time finances and discover new apps across networks. You can even view your token streams without connecting your wallet by using our view-only mode.

📊 Minimal + Contextual UI: We’ve added numerous contextual cues and built-in explainers to help users better understand and focus on key data. We’ve also added new visualizations that let you see your Super Token flows displayed as charts with historical balances and forecasting!

🌈 RainbowKit Integration: We’ve integrated Rainbow’s slick new wallet connection library to match our best-in-class UI.

👋 ENS Support: Full integration of the Ethereum Name Service’s usernames and profile pictures across the app.

A First-Class, Open-Source Web3 Stack

As mentioned earlier, we went back to the drawing board when it came to developing Dashboard V2. In addition to being built with modern React hooks and components, Dashboard V2 takes advantage of best-in-class web3 tools and frameworks like Superfluid’s SDK-Core and SDK-Redux, RainbowKit, wagmi and ethers.js.

Given its cutting-edge design and tech stack, we’re planning to expose Dashboard V2 code in example projects for developers looking to build user-friendly money streaming apps. Stay tuned for more on this soon 👀

In the meanwhile, we’d love to hear about what Dashboard V2 components & widgets you’d like to integrate into your projects!

Redefining the Possibilities of Money Streaming With Dashboard V2

Dashboard V2 is the culmination of hundreds of hours of customer feedback, user research, and technical development, and we couldn’t be more excited to be sharing it with the web3 community.

But while Dashboard V2 is a giant leap forward in comparison to V1, we’re far from finished! We’re committed to innovating around the core real-time financial experience, and have many more exciting changes ahead for Dashboard V2, including streamlined onboarding, automations, notifications, cross-chain payments, on-ramps and off-ramps, and more.

By building the industry’s most user-friendly app for money streaming, we’re making asset streaming more accessible to the web3 world. Moreover, by open-sourcing its components and documenting our learnings for developers, we can help devs build the next generation of real-time finance apps quicker and more efficiently — bringing us all closer to a future where digital value finally moves at the speed of the Internet.

You can try out Dashboard V2 for yourself here! We’d love to hear your feedback, so please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions directly in the app or on Discord. We also encourage users to discuss and vote on new features on our public roadmap, so that we can prioritize the features our community finds most valuable.

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