Superfluid Protocol is Enabling Cross-Chain Asset Streaming With Connext & Nomad

Superfluid Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2022

Thanks to the Superfluid community’s successful deployments, Superfluid Protocol is now available on the most popular Layer 2 and EVM networks.

However, in order for web3 businesses and users to take advantage of the full potential of money streaming, Superfluid Protocol needs to be more than multi-chain: it needs to have cross-chain streaming capabilities as well.

That’s because while multi-chain support for Superfluid Protocol is important, the capital you stream with it is still constrained to a specific, siloed network. With cross-chain streaming, users could transfer tokens regardless of the network they were stored on (in a continuous and efficient manner), solving one of blockchain’s oldest and most difficult problems: how to move assets between chains efficiently.

Anyone familiar with how blockchain technology works knows just how difficult this problem is to solve. Every chain is its own virtual machine with its own clock and its own liquidity. Moving funds from one blockchain to another is hard enough — doing it every second (without incurring exorbitant fees) is even harder!

In spite of that, after working closely with the incredible teams at Connext and Nomad, we’re thrilled to announce we’ve developed a working prototype for cross-chain asset streaming that allows you to do exactly that.

Cross-Chain Money Streaming: Making the Impossible Possible

Built with Connext’s SDK and Nomad under the hood for authenticated calls, our prototype allows users to stream money to a bridge contract on a network — and then receive a stream from a bridge contract on a different network.

With cross-chain asset streaming, DAOs and crypto-native organizations can use Superfluid Protocol to transfer value (every second) to and from any network they want, without needing liquidity on any specific network.

In effect, this means they’ll be able to:

  • Pay contributors on their preferred network
  • Receive subscription payments from clients on any network
  • Move treasury assets, fees, or revenues between networks in a continuous, automated fashion

Rahul Sethuram, Co-Founder and CTO at Connext, stated:

“Superfluid’s money streaming implementation was completely novel from its inception and changed the game for how subscriptions, salaries, and content payments can be made. Adding cross-chain streaming using Connext helps to further realize our combined vision of a fully abstracted multi-chain experience.”

Although this prototype is still in development on testnet, our goal is to build it into a fully-fledged product that any web3 business or developer can use. We’ll be sharing the repo shortly — and if cross-chain asset streaming excites you as much as it does us, there will soon be a $2,000 bounty for you to claim for helping us refine this prototype!

The Future of Crypto-Native Capital is Cross-Chain Streaming

Our vision for Superfluid has always been a ubiquitous, interconnected protocol for hyper efficient digital asset transfer, so that Superfluid Protocol can be used wherever you choose to create and store your value. By leveraging Connext’s and Nomad’s technologies in our cross-chain asset streaming prototype, this vision is quickly becoming a reality; one capable of transforming crypto-native — and by extent, human — capital.

About Superfluid

Superfluid is the leading asset streaming protocol that enables Web3 native subscriptions, salaries and rewards for DAOs and crypto-native businesses. It can be used to describe cash flows and execute them automatically on-chain over time in a non-interactive way. Superfluid streams transfer value in a constant flow over time between wallets, in a non-custodial and permissionless way. Streams are programmable, composable, and modular, allowing developers to build custom applications on top of the protocol. No capital is locked up, and all inflows and outflows are netted in real-time at every block without consuming any gas. Ongoing streams can be forwarded as they are received to both wallets and applications, eliminating delays and drastically increasing capital efficiency.

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About Connext

Connext is a network for fast, trustless communication between chains and rollups. It is the only interoperability system of its type that does this cheaply and quickly without introducing any new trust assumptions. Connext is aimed at developers who are looking to build bridges and other natively cross-chain applications. To date, over $1.5b in transactions have crossed the network.

Website | Bridge | Docs | Twitter | Discord

About Nomad

Nomad is an optimistic interoperability protocol that enables seamless message passing between blockchain networks. The goal of Nomad is to provide the most secure cross-chain infrastructure to enable users and developers to interact safely in a multi-chain world.

Website | Bridge | Docs | Twitter | Discord

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