Walking Shadows 10: elevator ride

Nicholas Ahlhelm
Superhero Fiction
Published in
5 min readApr 10, 2020


Alli couldn’t get over how infuriating this Greek asshole was. She wanted to just pop him with the Sticky Gun. Leave his ass hanging at the door to drown in his own pretension.

A hand gently fell on her shoulder. She turned and screamed, “What the hell do you — ?”

Marilyn drew back, scared at the anger directed towards her.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Marilyn. I didn’t mean to — ”

Marilyn shook her head. She spoke softly. “I understand. I just wanted to calm you down. We have to work together if we’re going to stop whoever’s behind this. Can you calm down?”

Alli nodded.

She took a deep breath as they waited for the elevator. She still wanted to lay out Cyrus, but she made a promise to Marilyn and she would keep it. Didn’t mean she had to like it though.

The elevator dinged and opened. Alli was the first on. She leaned against the back wall as the rest of this strange crew boarded. Marilyn came next, followed by Cyrus and Stomp. The kid that started this whole mess slinked in last. Ian looked nervous, but Alli wasn’t sure if it was from the chance of an impending fight or being around so many other people. He seemed like the type that wasn’t really good at playing with others.



Nicholas Ahlhelm
Superhero Fiction

Superhero novelist. Wrestling afficianado. Old school gamer. Books at Amazon: amzn.to/2OXodI9. Newsletter: pulpempire.substack.com