How To Identify And Fix Low Testosterone

John Fawkes
Superhuman By Science
5 min readApr 9, 2020


Originally published on

Men these days are quite literally not what they used to be. The average testosterone level of American men has declined by roughly 1% per year since at least the mid-1980’s, if not longer- that’s more than a 25% decline in thirty years. Nor is this strictly an American phenomenon; similar results have been reported in the UK and Denmark.

You might think that declining testosterone levels are not a natural and inevitable part of the aging process– not so. One Australian study found that men who took care of their health typically did not experience a significant annual decline in testosterone levels, while men who really let themselves go actually saw their testosterone levels decline even faster.

Low testosterone has gone from being the exception to the norm, and more men than ever are going on testosterone replacement therapy. However, there are ways to treat low testosterone naturally, and you should absolutely exhaust all natural options before you consider going on drugs for the rest of your life.

Here’s how you can find out if you have low testosterone, and what to do if you have it.

How To Identify Low Testosterone

