Introducing Supernova

Published in
5 min readApr 8, 2021

The design system platform you've always wanted, built to solve real problems that have plagued earlier attempts. Embrace the true power of design systems to build your product faster - without the pain.

Supernova Cloud platform, one of many parts that make Supernova the most powerful end-to-end design system solution available

The promise of design systems

Design systems are the topic that everyone thinks and talks about. The promise is amazing — one place where designers, developers, and all product teams work together in harmony, where everyone is treated equally, and where everything “just works” — resulting in massive savings of time and resources. Sounds like a dream 🦄

But, let's face it - most of the time, that's not the case. In reality, design systems are complex to build and maintain, and enterprise-wide adoption is hindered by a lack of engagement — which is tough to achieve when everyone is not on board with the idea of using one. See the Catch-22?

The more help, the better.

But what if there was an automated way to ensure those design systems

  • never get out of sync
  • don't have duplicated data
  • are useful to all team members (not just designers)
  • represent both design and code properly
  • can update automatically?

Then we would be on the verge of fulfilling their promise. And if there was a way to do this all in parallel with existing workflows that we spend so much time building and improving, we would have a design system that would finally work — and would be easy to evangelize within the company.

Enter: Supernova

Supernova is an end-to-end design system platform that fulfills the promise of design systems by giving DesignOps, designers, and developers the power to build and maintain design systems collaboratively with unprecedented ease — while allowing them to work with the preferred tools they already know, like Figma or VS Code.

Supernova integrates with native tools like Figma or VSCode, allowing you to get design and developer data on demand at any moment

Supernova for designers

Let's be honest — nobody really prefers to abandon their preferred tools and workflows in order to gain new abilities. We’d rather leverage what we already know and trust as much as possible.

Supernova embraces tools everyone is already using — like Figma — and gives them superpowers. For example, you can define styles or typographies in your style library and use them with Supernova, enhancing them with bits of extra information — like how they relate to each other…

… yes, tokens in Supernova can reference each other — something not possible with Figma alone:

Supernova token management is built with real use-cases in mind — allowing you, for example, to remove duplicates by referencing other values

If you are interested in all of the design features available to you right now, see our designer feature list. And don't forget to join our Early Access to experience them yourself :)

Supernova for developers

Code is one of the things that sets true design systems apart from simple style guides — design systems systemize behavior, not just style. Design systems are only truly useful if they cater to all the team members equally — and developers are often left out because design systems tools treat them as second-class citizens. But that is not the case in Supernova.

Everything you create in your design system is backed by production code that can be accessed on-demand, for any platform. Using React? No problem. Using mobile platforms? Just select the appropriate one. Using some obscure, proprietary technology that only you know about? You can modify the system to fit your tech stack as well. And you can automate code delivery with the world's very first Design Continuous Delivery™(DCD) platform.

Select the platform you love — and you get production-ready code, automatically, with a single click.

There is a ton of stuff that goes into the Supernova developer experience, so we outline all features in our developer feature list. But what about teams? Saving the best for last, so to speak :)

Supernova for teams

Getting buy-in from the team to use and scale your design system is hard, but if your tooling can help, the barrier to entry is lowered significantly and adoption rises as a result.

Supernova gives design and dev-ops the ability to properly version and document the design system and removes the need to have other services focused on one specific thing, keeping everything tidy, automated, and governed from a single place.

Sneak peek of Supernova documentation engine, using live tokens and components from your design system

🚀 Just getting started — join us!

We've spent years building the technology that powers Supernova and it will already give you a significant boost in productivity — no matter if you are an individual, small company, or a massive enterprise. But we are just getting started.

During Early Access, we will be introducing many new features that we have already built and are running internally. You can find all this on our upcoming features page.

This is also where you come in. We are developing Supernova with our amazing community, so if you want to help us shape the product, test it and get your feedback incorporated into the product, then join us on Discord and get invited to the product immediately.

We hope you are as excited as we are about Supernova’s future, and we hope to talk to you soon to build the best possible product together!

Your Team at Supernova 💥

Where to next?
- Join our growing Discord community
- Join Early Access and try the product right away
- Read everything about Supernova in our product documentation
- Build with Supernova using our developer documentation




We've decided to make the world better for every developer and designer out there. Join Us.