FAQ from Discord

Published in
4 min readOct 14, 2022

Hello Cosmonauts! We have recieved a lot of questions from Discord so far, and among them, we have listed some questions and are sharing the answers. This is an evolving docs, so stay tuned!

Multi Language Support

Q. Can you create a Russian/Indonesian/Turkish/Korean channel and a Russian/Indonesian/Turkish/Korean community?

  • A. We will soon open multilingual channels including channels for all the aforementioned channels and make it permissionless.Until now, all of our resources are focused on the product side so we couldn’t spare sufficient resources for the community. Now that the product development is heading to the point that we have intended, we will put in more efforts towards engaging with the community. Thank you for all the support so far, and please stay tuned for future updates!


Q. When will the testnet start?

  • A. The testnet schedule will be announced this month(October 2022).

Q. Is the testnet for nodes? Or the testnet for UI?

  • A. The testnet has two purposes: 1) beta testing of the logics we made and 2) testing whether the chain runs well and whether the nodes functions without issues. Testing out the features and checking to see if everything works as we intended is much important for us.

Q. Are you planning to launch the testnet before the launch of the incentivized testnet?

  • A. No, it would be launched at once.

Q. Do you need validators to run the testnet?

  • A. As mentioned earlier, validators are of course necessary to fulfill the purpose of the testnet.

Q. How do I join the testnet?

  • A. We will release an announcement on the testnet which will include how to join the testnet.

Q. What are the specific roles of validators participating in the testnet?

  • A. Running the chain, checking bugs — the usual technical support.

Incentivized Testnet

Q. Will the incentivized testnet include specific tasks?

  • A. Yes there will be some tasks.

Q. Does the incentivized testnet require nodes?

  • A. Yes.


Q. When will the mainnet launch? Will it launch within this year?

  • A. We are aiming to launch the mainnet in Q4 2022, and we are doing our best in the development process. However, there is some bottleneck in the operation process outside of development, and in order to proceed as legit as possible, we are preparing to launch it reliably even if the mainnet launch is delayed.

Q. How many Supernova validators are there?

  • A. If it means only about the active ones, there’ll be 100.

Technical Questions

Q. Can you explain “Supernova deploys a single validator on the target app-chain.”

  • A. Supernova will deploy validator on each target appchains, and the users will stake their tokens to the ‘Supernova validator’ on each chains. This is what we meant by ‘deploying single validator on the target appchains.

Q. Will Supernova be a custom consumer chain? Is there any roadmap for ICS(Interchain security)?

  • A. Whether Supernova will become an ICS consumer chain is yet to be confirmed. Our biggest priority is to add the features we are aiming for.


Q. How much ATOM do I need to receive airdrop? Can you tell me the minimum and maximum ATOM quantity to receive the airdrop?

  • A. We are still thinking about the minimum and maximum quantities that can receive airdrop. We will try to find a middleground to satisfy as many people as possible.

Q. I would appreciate it if you could let me know what quests you need to do to receive the $NOVA airdrop.

  • A. Before the mainnet launch, a validator named “Supernova” will be launched on Cosmos. We will airdrop $NOVA to users who delegation so that Supernova validators can remain active.
  • A. We plan to post an airdrop announcement on Medium.

Q. How many ATOM must be delegated to the Supernova validator for the Supernova Validator to be activated?

  • A. In the case of Cosmos Hub, up to 175th place could be active. As of October 14th, more than 80,500 ATOM should be delegated to be active.

Q. When will the Supernova Validator go live?

  • A. It will go live around first week of Novemeber.

Mod/CM Recruit

Q. Are you planning to hire a moderator/community manager?

  • A. Definitely! However, it takes a long time to hire people who really has the right fit and talent with our team. Supernova is a small team, so every single person matters a lot to us.

Other questions

Q. I heard that the Supernova team won the Hackatom. How much was the winning prize?

  • A. 6,250 ATOM! Thanks for asking, and the proceeds will be used to make our validator to become active.

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