10 Crypto Twitter Accounts to Follow Right Now

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4 min readMar 21, 2020

You may be surprised but Twitter is one of the leading crypto-related social platforms, on a par with Reddit and Bitcointalk. According to different studies, traders can analyze rates, spot trends, and understand the market sentiment by just scrolling tweets. It doesn’t mean that you should rely on a few Twitter accounts in your analysis. Nonetheless, famous people in crypto, as well as regular traders or investors, can help you significantly.

Today, we want to share ten of the most popular, influential, and just interesting Twitter profiles in the crypto universe.

Photo by Yucel Moran on Unsplash

1. Jack Dorsey, 4.4 Million Followers

Our first hero doesn’t focus on cryptocurrency only. However, being the founder and CEO of Twitter and Square, Jack Dorsey is also a known crypto bull. He promotes ideas of wide adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects to add value to them. Dorsey even planned his move to Africa to digitalize the continent. COVID-19 and investor threats canceled these plans but Dorsey remained the leader of Twitter.

2. Justin Sun, 2 Million Followers

The TRON’s founder and the current CEO of Bittorent, Justin Sun is arguably the best marketing manager in the whole crypto world. His fame is controversial because of dozens of showy actions: a giveaway of Tesla, a dinner with Warren Buffett postponed several times (finally organized in January), various announcements of announcements, etc. Still, Sun’s tweets can affect rates significantly, especially, prices of TRX.

3. Pavel Durov, 1.3 Million Followers

Pavel Durov became famous after creating VK in 2006 — modern social media for Russian-speaking regions. After quitting this project, Durov launched an encrypted messaging system Telegram. On its basis, the team started developing a new blockchain called TON that attracted $1.7 billion. In January, we published a detailed analysis of the litigation between the SEC and Telegram. Mainly, nothing changed as for now.

4. John McAfee, 1 Million Followers

Probably, you know this name thanks to the popular antivirus software McAfee. Or you heard about trading platforms: McAfee Magic and McAfeeDEX. Or you even remember this tweet from 2017 where this vibrant man told he would eat his own penis if BTC doesn’t hit $500,000 in 2020… On top of that, McAfee launched his 2020 presidential campaign and lived on a boat in international waters. He’s 74 now. And he’s really not boring.

5. Vitalik Buterin, 894.4 Thousand Followers

While the persons mentioned above have millions of followers, Vitalik Buterin is the first pure crypto geek and cypherpunk in this list. He’s the inventor of Ethereum, a talented developer, and a highly influential expert. Many people call him a child prodigy, too. Buterin doesn’t post too much on Twitter but his insights are extremely valuable as they may affect dozens of coins and help with functional analysis.

6. Charlie Lee, 830.4 Thousand Followers

Another prominent developer and computer scientist, Charlie Lee is the author of Litecoin. He worked at Google and Coinbase but now he focuses on Litecoin development fully. Lee plans to improve the project’s privacy and fungibility. His Twitter account is full of honest, direct, and often critical tweets. If you want to read more about tech things, scalability, and crypto development, that’s your choice.

7. Christine Lagarde, 615.4 Thousand Followers

From tech geeks, we’re moving to financial influencers. Christine Lagard is the current president of the European Central Bank. She became famous in 2019 when she said that Europe should be open to financial innovations while the ECB should lead the development of digital currencies and stablecoins. On Twitter, Lagarde enlightens her work and encourages Europeans to participate in the financial evolution of the region.

8. Roger Ver, 597.4 Thousand Followers

One of the Bitcoin Foundation founders, former CEO of Bitcoin.com, early adopter and investor, libertarian — that’s Roger Ver. However, he is known the most thanks to his disagreement with the BTC community. Ver supports BCH instead so he’s a bit controversial person, with his own fans and rivals. By following him, be ready for active BCH propaganda and keep a cool head.

9. Andreas Antonopoulos, 508.3 Thousand Followers

Andreas Antonopoulos is a famous guru of BTC and blockchain, generally. Various projects appreciate his professional opinion based on facts and real possibilities. He believes in crypto but criticizes the industry a lot, too. Antonopoulos often shares his market insights, educates the audience about blockchain/crypto basics, promotes the decentralization concept, and helps to protect from scams.

10. Changpeng Zhao, 494.5 Thousand Followers

Surprisingly but one of the most influential crypto persons closes this list because he has less than half a million followers. Changpeng Zhao or simply CZ is the CEO of Binance, the largest crypto exchange platform. You can read about the expansion of Binance and CZ in our article. Now, Zhao works hard to make his project even more powerful. Hence, you can subscribe to get the freshest first-hand news.

Bonus: Superorder, 328 Followers

Well, compared to the first (and even the tenth) profile in this list, our own account isn’t too popular, you know. But it’s worth your attention. In it, the Superorder team shares articles, guides, trading insights, crypto news, useful studies, and more, and more. Take a look and subscribe if you like such content. And don’t forget to follow this Medium blog to get fresh guides as early as possible.

If this comparison finds your interest, we will also make a similar list with accounts of traders and community participants. Have no doubt, there are a few profiles you want to follow, too.




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