How Daniel DiPiazza made over 15k in 7 days with SuperPhone!

Devon Dooley
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2020

For a mid to large size influencer, SuperPhone™ immediately allowed super fans to reach out and show their support in ways previously unsupported by traditional social media.

Who Is Daniel DiPiazza?

Daniel DiPiazza is a man of many hats, some of which include Author, Mentor, Business Coach and all-around Entrepreneur living in Los Angeles, CA with a current social footprint of over 200K followers

SuperPhone™ Activation

Daniel worked to create a campaign in which contacts/subscribers could text in to receive a link to 1 of his businesses “Alpha Mentorship”


Daniel released his number on Facebook and Instagram with the following images:

2. People that messaged Daniel received a reply asking for their information. When they entered their details and submitted the form successfully, they received a thank you message that linked to

How quickly does SuperPhone™ collect info and return a link?

In just 2 minutes on average, SuperPhone™ was able to capture a full profile (including socials, birthday and job information) and return the exclusive video link. For more information on auto-response delay times. (visit our Smart Auto-responses documentation)

Upon Completion Daniel’s form there is a redirect to his website This company is focused on training high-achievers to become world-class entrepreneurs through education, accountability and expert guidance.

Daniel has used SuperPhone to also boost his traditional email open rates with another one of his businesses “Strength of Seduction which he claims is the world’s sexiest couples workout program!

“You want to control your marketing, your message, and your money. SuperPhone is a huge asset in all 3.”


Daniel was able to make around 15K by just sending out messages to people he had already known (re-engaging relationships) and also new text subscribers who decided to text in.

On top of his personal brand, Daniel has built 3 businesses which all benefit from SuperPhone. Understand the power of relationships and hard work is the real way to build success!



Devon Dooley

Born in Baltimore, MD on June 28th, 1991, I’m a Self-Taught Photographer, Filmmaker and Creative Director