Setting up SuperPhone via Desktop

Devon Dooley
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2020

Access your SuperPhone® on desktop by navigating to our login page

Access your Settings Page

Do this by clicking on the top right hand corner where you will see your SuperPhone® number and name, which will bring you here.

Configure Your Form

Let’s start with accessing your form. Click on Forms & Widgets on the Settings Page. This is the form that your audience will fill out to surface as a contact in your SuperPhone®. Here, you can collect as much information as you’d like! At standard, we already pre-set your form with Name, Phone Number, Email, and City.
Click here for an in-depth walkthrough.
You will also see that you have the option of creating multiple forms

Adding information to your VCard

Go back to your settings page and navigate to Autoresponses & Voicemail. Scroll all the way down. Your VCard is your Contact Card. This can be sent in your autoresponse and your contacts will be able to easily save your information in their phones. To add an image, please ensure that the image is under 500KB to avoid failed delivery.


Setting Your First Auto-Response

Great! You’re done with your VCard. Now it’s time to scroll back up up to the top on the same page. This is the message that someone will automatically receive upon texting your SuperPhone® number. Please ensure that your message is under 160 characters — if you have your VCard checked off on the first autoresponse, do not add an image. If you have the VCard unchecked and you would like to add an image, ensure that the image is under 500KB.
For an in-depth guide to Auto-Responses click here.

Adding a Forwarding Number

Awesome. You configured your form, added your VCard and set up your Auto-Responses. Now, you want to add a forwarding number to allow outgoing and incoming phone calls. You have the ability to disable calls if you choose to do so.
Click here for an in-depth walkthrough.

Awesome! Now let’s test things on yourself as a first contact. Step 2 Linked Here.



Devon Dooley

Born in Baltimore, MD on June 28th, 1991, I’m a Self-Taught Photographer, Filmmaker and Creative Director