Smart Auto-Responses in SuperPhone

Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2020

SuperPhone™ automates the interaction with your network via smart auto-responses. Each person who sends you a text will receive this message sequence only once. There’s a human-emulated delay on the responses to give a more personal feel. You can configure your smart auto-responses at this url:

First Contact Auto-Response

When someone texts you for the first time, SuperPhone™ will wait 2 minutes and then automatically send them your vCard along with a special link so they can share their contact information. Their number will be pre-filled on the form. You may edit or change this message at any time to personalize the request for contact information.

Example First Contact Auto-Response

“Yoooo — I don’t have your contact info in my phone. Hit this link and add your details:"

Dynamic SuperPhone™ Shortlinks

SuperPhone™ will automatically create a special link for each contact to a form that has their phone number pre-filled. Note: We strongly urge you to leave auto-response url’s in their original format. Editing them may lead to form errors.

Contact Info Reminder

If the new contact does not complete the form after 30 mins, SuperPhone™ will automatically remind them for details again.

Example Contact Info Reminder

“Hey I never got your contact, it only takes a minute:"

Form Submission Auto-Response

When the user completes your contact form, SuperPhone™ will instantly send a message. Note: We recommend including your email address so that people are inclined to save your details.

Example Form Submission Auto-Response

“Thanks — got you locked. Save my info and hit me anytime. -Ryan (”

New Assigned Number

When a new number is assigned to a user, SuperPhone™ will instantly send this message.

Example New Assigned Number Message

“This is the SuperPhone™ team. Use this number for us — it’s better than the public one. Still need your info, add yourself here:"

Disabling Auto-Responses

Though you may choose to disable any of the first three default auto-responses, our usage reports indicate that 9 out of 10 people will eventually add themselves after receiving these messages. Note: The ‘New Assigned Number’ auto-response is mandatory and may never be disabled.

Setting Up A Voice Greeting

For detailed instructions, please view our Voice Greeting documentation.




SuperPhone® helps you build deeper relationships by keeping you top of mind.