Elasticsearch For Cryptogoods and NFTs

John Crain
SuperRare 💎
3 min readOct 17, 2018

Open standards like ERC 721 and others are helping to create a larger and larger body of open public data. This is super exciting and will play a huge role in how applications are structured in the years to come.

As this body of open data grows exponentially, search is going to play a crucial role. Accessing data directly from the blockchain can be difficult and inefficient. To solve this problem, we built the Pixura GraphQL API. Powered by our event indexer, you can simply POST a contract’s address and block number to the API and begin querying for events and smart contract state.

Sample GraphQL Query: Smart Contract Address for Non Fungible Token Metadata
Pixura GraphQL API Response: Array of NFTs with metadata

Announcing Elasticsearch for Non Fungible Tokens

One of my favorite ways to think about NFTs is as tokenized structured JSON. ERC 721 metadata has default properties, however you are free to add additional properties to this metadata with zero extra cost in on chain storage! For example with SuperRare we include name, year created, description, tags, creator, and image. This extra data is super important for NFTs because at the end of the day, they’re just a low level data type. The context and story around the NFT is where the true value is stored.

You can now search through NFT metadata

Our latest addition to the stack is Elasticsearch, an extension to the Pixura NFT infrastructure that allows you to search through all the properties in your NFT’s metadata. For example you could search for Axies by type or SuperRare art by artist. To try the Elasticsearch feature of the Pixura API simply clone our react component: https://github.com/Pixura/pixura-react-sdk.

Get Involved

At Pixura, we’re passionate about non-fungible tokens and the future of digital assets. We give you the tools to create a fully featured crypto collectibles marketplace in minutes. Deploy smart contracts, create tokens, search, and get analytics on the crypto collectible ecosystem all in one place.

  • Join us at the Status hackathon in Prague Oct 26–29. We’ll be presenting Pixura, and helping out teams interested in building NFT products on the platform.
  • We’ll be at Devcon 4! We’re sticking around in Prague for all the memes, the learnings, the coding, and the happy hours. Come say hello!
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John Crain
SuperRare 💎

Founder @SuperRare_co @ConsenSys OG. Founding member @blockapps.