Sneak preview: Pixura Token Platform 🎉

“Shopify for NFTs” from the team behind SuperRare

Jon Perkins
SuperRare 💎
4 min readOct 8, 2018


At Pixura, we think a lot about crypto assets and the rise of digital value.

Thanks to the digital scarcity of the blockchain, currency as we know it is being reinvented before our eyes: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have a collective market capitalization of $220 billion, even though the technology is still nascent and the vast majority of internet users have never used crypto.

We believe the next wave of digital value creation is going to be the tokenization of unique assets with non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and we’re excited to announce a new way for creators, entrepreneurs and businesses around the world to build on this powerful technology.

What is a unique tokenized asset?

Next-generation blockchain standards give us the ability to create tokens that represent unique assets, such as baseball cards, jewelry, video game items, or works of art. This means that a secure, trackable digital identity can be assigned to any unique item, whether the item is tangible like a pair of sneakers, or intangible like a video game asset.

The benefits of tokenizing something include:

  • Self-sovereign digital ownership you can prove that you own it, and nobody can take it from you.
  • Verified authenticity — you can see when and by whom it was created, along with full ownership history.
  • Liquid trading — you can digitally buy, sell and trade the item, bringing liquidity to a currently illiquid asset class.
Tokenized digital artworks on

What is Pixura?

A startup with expertise in blockchain and digital media, we set out in late 2017 to help creators & entrepreneurs benefit from digital scarcity.

We launched SuperRare in April, and are proud that it has grown to be the top rated CryptoArt platform– a social network built around creativity and commerce, with hundreds of digital artists and collectors and over 750 digital works created to date.

We quickly realized that there was strong demand for a toolkit that doesn’t currently exist: a way for people to easily spin up their own app, game, or marketplace incorporating non-fungible tokens. Currently you must either hire a hard-to-find blockchain engineer, or build it yourself, both of which are difficult and expensive.

So we spent the past few months taking the core technology that powers SuperRare, and building it into a software-as-a-service platform for launching crypto projects and marketplaces. We’re excited to announce that V1 of the platform is live and running, and we’re looking for beta testers to give it a spin!

Lowering the Barrier to Entry

Non-fungible token technology is important because it gives objects a unique, tradable digital identity, a fundamental starting place for creative and commercial enterprises of all kinds.

Our mission is to lower the barrier to entry to build on this technology. Similar to how Shopify made it easy for anyone to spin up a global e-commerce business without writing any code, Pixura will empower an army of creators and entrepreneurs to deploy smart contracts and token-based marketplaces.

What can you build with Pixura?

Without writing any code you can:

  • 😸 Launch digital collectible games. Name your smart contract and token ticker, deploy the contract, and then start creating NFTs with your game characters and artwork.
  • 😎 Start an emoji & sticker marketplace. Once you create your tokens, they’ll be available to your users via a marketplace template that you can host at your own domain, enabling P2P exchange of your goods.
  • ⚾️ Create branded crypto collectibles. Mainstream brands like MLB have identified the huge potential for fan engagement, and we’re super bullish on branded games, marketplaces and rewards systems.
  • 💰Tokenize the world. Many physical collectibles sectors could benefit from digitization: we’d be excited to see marketplaces for tokenized coins & stamps, luxury goods, or Yeezys.
  • 📊 Get analytics for your existing dapp. Pixura can index any smart contract and provide an easy API and analytics dashboard to provide metrics and insights into your Ethereum application.
  • ❓💸❓💸❓💸 The best ideas are going to come from the community. Excited to see what you BUIDL!

Get Involved

  • We’re looking for beta testers! If you’re interested in building on Pixura or being an early testnet user, email us at
  • Join us at the Status hackathon in Prague Oct 26–29. We’ll be presenting Pixura, and helping out teams interested in building NFT products on the platform.
  • We’ll be at Devcon 4! We’re sticking around in Prague for all the memes, the learnings, the coding, and the happy hours. Come say hello!
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Sign up for our newsletter

