From Community to Code: Superside’s Copy/Paste Plugin for Sanity

Daniel Zagidullin
Superside Engineering
3 min readJul 6, 2023

At Superside, we’ve been on an exciting journey, using the power of Sanity. We’ve witnessed a ton of new features and improvements, such as visual editing, enhanced database search, and an overall improvement in developer experience.

Superside Content Model

Our content model is built on “blocks”. This means that every component you see on is mirrored as an object in Sanity. These blocks are incredibly flexible and easy to set up, but they posed a unique challenge.

Internal blocks structure of pages

Our content editors faced a significant challenge: they could not copy a single block without copying the entire document. This meant copying each field from a component one by one, a slow and frustrating process.

Finding Inspiration in a Feature Request

Our search for a solution led us to a feature request in Sanity’s repository, that had been unresolved since the end of 2021. This sparked an idea: why not develop the feature ourselves?

Copy/paste feature request in Sanity repo

The Birth of the Copy/Paste Plugin: An Open-Source Contribution

We saw the potential value of this feature for our project and others, so we decided to develop it ourselves and then release it as an open-source contribution. This decision has since sped up and simplified our editors’ workflow significantly.

Simplicity and Efficiency

The beauty of our plugin lies in its simplicity. If you have type: 'array' which consists of type: 'object' and you want to copy/paste such objects between arrays in different documents, all you need to do is install our plugin and import the new field: defineField(copyPaste)

Simple implementation, described in the package README

The core of the plugin is in src/components/CopyPasteInput.tsx. It renders three buttons using Sanity/UI: copy, paste, and… duplicate to multiple pages! We realized that if we had a script for copying and inserting whole blocks, why not have a button, which could paste one component to multiple documents at once?

Copy, Paste, and Duplicate

The process is simple. After clicking Copy, the onCopy function writes the schema of the currently opened block to your localStorage. Then, all you need to do is switch to another document, create an empty version of the block, and click Paste. The plugin takes the JSON from localStorage, replaces all keys inside it to make it unique, and updates the document using the useClient hook. The process for duplicating the object to multiple pages is similar but performed in a cycle.

How it works

Try the Copy/Paste Plugin Today

Check out the plugin on the Sanity store and experience the potential crucial speed increase in your work. And while you’re at it, consider checking out Superside. We also can reduce your production cost significantly compared to traditional creative agencies :)

Install the plugin to your Sanity project: Plugins

Contribute to our Github: @superside-oss/sanity-copy-paste

