programming and fighting games

- What is the optimal ratio of programming to meditation? Let us call this the PZ ratio.
- When it comes to programming, I feel like I’m somehow juggling a dagger. It’s an image that if you’re a good programmer, you’ll probably have several large spears and swords.
- I continue to use one character in both fighting games and Smash Bros. In Monster Hunter, he continued to use light programming and kakugebogun. Whenever I go to Starbucks, I always order a matcha tea latte. You may like one thing. It’s the same with programming. I want to master one thing if possible.
- I’m trying to answer a Japanese Stackoverflow question. There are questions that even if you answer them, your skills won’t improve at all. However, I’m wondering if I can improve some basic skills like problem-solving skills.
- ``Challenge the problems in front of you like a quiz or game’’, ``Just relax while listening to music and people’s voices in a cafe’’, and ``Talk while laughing with close friends’’. I like that kind of thing.
- Relax at the cafe without doing anything. It’s the essence of life. However, I bring my PC and do something a little. Well, it doesn’t have to be perfect.
- Qiita’s question frame and Teratail have too few questions, so it may be a good idea to challenge StackOverflow’s respondents. I will also study English. Even if you answer wrong, someone will give you a bad grade.
- I think I’m assimilated with Starbucks because I’m in the same Starbucks too much.
-I think about 10% of Japanese people’s mentality is influenced by LINE’s new arrivals. I think that LINE has succeeded in hacking the consciousness of Japanese people. I don’t care if it makes me happy or not.
- SNS both distracts and amplifies loneliness. Alcohol alleviates pain and at the same time amplifies it. In other words, as we all know, SNS is alcohol.
- You can’t get rid of loneliness even if you meditate. Meditation is weak in relationships. For example, if you were sent to a deserted island and were all alone, meditation would be useless.
- No sense of well-being during most of the day. There is always some tension or anxiety. I want to be at peace. Holding someone’s hand and lying next to them may be the only time you feel at ease. When you’re in the sauna or bedrock bath.
- There are times when I feel a sense of calmness when I sit in meditation. Reduce daily anxiety. I want to always be wrapped in warm comfort. I want an AT field in my heart.
- Selfless and inaction. That is the essence of zazen. But what about one more thing?
-Isn’t it possible to improve your programming skills by doing zazen? I think that mental stability can lead to successful development as a result.
- Information can kill people. I’m sure there were samurai who committed suicide under the belief that the main castle had fallen during the Sengoku period. There are parts where the information sticks to the facts, and its impact is difficult to control even consciously. Be vigilant.
- If you worry about something even one day, you will feel tired the next day. Especially when I feel strangely tired for no apparent reason, this may be the cause.
- At Starbucks, two men who look like students walk into the store. And we’ve been talking for 30 minutes without ordering anything. Mysteriously, I put a liter of coffee milk on the table and sometimes drink it with a straw. If you haven’t ordered anything for another 30 minutes, why don’t you talk to them? Now there are mobile orders, so there is a pattern of ordering after sitting down for the time being, but I feel like I’m just sitting. When I do nothing on my days off and relax, many things catch my eye. While I was thinking that, the clerk finally spoke to me and the two took out their wallets and headed to the cash register. I wonder if I was going to continue to stay without money. Or was it just a student’s glee for a while? Mystery.
-Language was born naturally in any place regardless of country. Programming languages ​​probably don’t. It’s unnatural.
- On the other side of Starbucks, there is a person who puts a foreign book with the Starbucks logo on it. Is he coming to Starbucks research? I involuntarily looked up the title on Google.
- At Starbucks, if you look around, everyone is doing something. He is working on a PC, studying, or operating a smartphone. No one is sitting around doing nothing. The fat guy over there is operating his smartphone, drinking a frappuccino and chewing on a waffle. It even felt a little creepy. It seems like I’m not doing anything like that, but now I’m doing the act of “slowing down” and “looking around”.
- The shirt I bought at GU before is S size, but it’s baggy. I learned later that it was an oversized shirt. what is that. Bought two in different colors at the same time and never wore one. However, when I went to GU to return it, I was told that it could not be returned because of the smell. My confidence in GU has dropped a bit. What is an oversized shirt?

