Shell Technique

There is a word called shell gei. I wonder if it makes sense to do something so advanced in a shell or shell script. I think there are some techniques that are better not to master.
Who benefits from a better organization? At least people who belong to the organization benefit. Less stress and easier work. That alone may be enough to contribute to the world.
I thought the program was something in a fictional world, but it seems that our lives themselves are fictional. If both are similar, at least enjoy them in a fictional world.
Pinterest has about 10 million active users in Japan. But I haven’t heard about Pinterest around me. Where is this twist happening? It’s highly possible that I’m just turning into an old man.
I have downloaded and read many free Kindle samples. To choose which books to buy. However, it may be good to just read a lot of free samples as a reading method. In most cases, the essence of a book can be grasped at the beginning. If you have the same amount of time, sometimes it makes more sense to read only the beginnings of 30 books than to read them all.
Japanese people don’t have the habit of quoting quotes. So it is useless to say something wise.
The reason why credit card companies no longer issue paper statements is neither to cut costs nor to protect the global environment. Is it to get customers to spend more money?
Spending time in a cafe watching Amami Oshima videos on Amazon Prime. But I wonder if this is really good. Despite the fact that the reality of a cafe is right in front of you, you are trying to be healed by immersing yourself in a highly populated visual world.
Doing nothing is hard. Even when I’m trying to do nothing, I find myself searching Google for better ways to do nothing.
It seems that the word conviction is misused. But is there even 1% of people who know the correct meaning?
I consider myself to be highly self-taught, but I have multiple track records of self-study going in the wrong direction.
The question “Who do you admire?” is made on the premise that there is someone you admire. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if someone asked, “What’s your favorite tonic water?”
I know how it feels to be nervous without a smartphone. Right now I’m fidgeting because I don’t have a time-locking container for my smartphone. Is there a smartphone deposit service that allows you to temporarily stop using your smartphone?
A holiday that I decided to relax without doing anything. However, it is very difficult and difficult to relax without doing anything, so I would like to postpone it.
I thought I could teach myself how to play the guitar by trial and error.
Power poses can help boost your mood temporarily, but they won’t cure chronic fatigue. Universalism is often wrong.
Self-development seminar instructors will never come to the conclusion that self-development is actually completely useless.
It’s not a bad thing to be at a loss for words after receiving a question. There are not many things in the world that can be answered immediately.
We live in a society where, when asked about our future goals, if we answer that we will maintain the status quo, we will be killed. To be killed is an exaggeration, but anyway, the rule is bad.

