Hi, I’m Anton Antich, and I write on math, functional programming, and scaling startups

Anton Antich
Superstring Theory
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2 min readSep 3, 2021

Hi there

I am Anton Antich, the owner of and the main contributor to the “Superstring Theory” publication. We write primarily on just two topics:

  • How to scale startups globally
  • Functional programming, Haskell, Type Theory, and some applied math

This may seem like an unusual mix, so let me explain.

As a Senior VP, Strategic Operations, I was a key part of the executive team at Veeam Software — a company that grew from zero to over 1 billion USD in revenue in under 10 years. That was an amazing ride, where I’ve learned a lot about turning startups into flourishing big businesses. After my exit from Veeam, I invested in 15+ startups personally and consulted them and others on global scaling.

This is my passion — helping startups scale globally while avoiding the growth pitfalls.

Here is a comprehensive and a very condensed webinar detailing our approach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGw17pqJY0k

As to the second part, I am a physics major by education and had spent a couple of years researching graphene (yes, that one). Finding out how things work, as Dr. Feynman used to say, has been my passion long before I got into the business. I’ve followed AI research in my spare time, then accidentally “discovered” Category Theory, Functional Programming, and the Theory of Types. Fell in love with the beauty of the concepts involved and occasionally share my insights.

Also, I currently work on a book on teaching Haskell and Types from the first principles in pictures. If you are interested, feel free to give it a go, it’s about half ready: https://leanpub.com/magicalhaskell

There are a couple more authors that occasionally contribute to the publication, but primarily it’s me. I will try to make this newsletter bi-weekly, short, and to the point, not to overload your mailboxes any further.

Thank you for being a reader!



Anton Antich
Superstring Theory

How to scale startups and do AI and functional programming. Building Integrail.ai: pragmatic AGI platform. Built Veeam from 0 to 1B in revenue in under 10 years