What Is A Technical Project Manager?

Randy Nguyen
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2018

As a player in the programming or development industry, you may have heard the term ‘technical project manager’ being thrown around quite a bit, especially in recent times. If you’re working on a team project, it is likely that you will be placed under the supervision and guidance of a project manager who will be beside you every step of the way, which is why it is important to understand what the role of this individual actually is. So, what exactly is a technical project manager?

What is a technical project manager?

The role of a technical project manager is to control, monitor, and ensure the proper execution of a business or company’s projects to which they have been assigned. The project manager would help the company schedule the project, distribute the resources, and ultimately view the entire process through a bigger lens. Also, to make sure that the goals are met through the technical aspect of the relevant project.

A technical project manager also has the ability to support the management of an IT initiative from a concept through to a concrete deliverable as a project with special technical knowledge.

What are the responsibilities of a technical project manager?

The life cycle of a project can be divided into five different phases: the initiation, planning, execution, monitoring/controlling, and the closing phase. The technical project manager has significant responsibilities in each of these phases that range from progress assessment to team management. The following below are some of the most critical responsibilities of a technical project manager throughout the project development and execution process.

A technical project manager must:

  • Identify the key stakeholders involved in the project and ensure effective communication and involvement.
  • Prepare a suitable project plan and schedule that the stakeholders and team members agree on and can follow.
  • Gather and break down the project requirements in terms of resources and monetary investment in order to determine the required budget.
  • Facilitate communication between the stakeholders and the developing team as well as among the team members for smooth and optimal functioning.
  • Make sure that the team members, stakeholders, or customers are satisfied with the progress of the project at all stages of its life cycle and the final product meets their expectations.
  • Identify any potential risks that may threaten the quality of the product or the project process and come up with effective strategies to counter them.
  • Take the necessary steps to maintain the high quality of the project.
  • Keep track of the progress of the development and ensure that the predetermined goals are consistently met.
  • Close the project after the customer’s expectations have been met.

It is also important to remember that having someone managing effectively, leads to a better outcome and having bad management can have many negative effects on a company/business.


Ultimately, we can conclude that the role of a technical project manager is not to become invested in guiding the coding process or the programming aspect of the project. But, it is to monitor the various operations involved in the process, assess the progress, deal with the overarching, and specific technical aspects using their own specialized knowledge in their niche. Most importantly, a technical project manager main responsibilities are to guide and manage the complete lifecycle of a project.

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