How Hydrogen Fuel will Impact the Netherlands?

Dharani Ravindran
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2020

Hydrogen fuel is considered to be the future of the Energy Industry globally. The motive of replacing hydrogen with fossil fuel is to reduce carbon emissions. Along with China, Japan, Germany and other countries, the Netherlands as well aims to produce green hydrogen to become a global trader of the carbonless fuel.

The Netherlands are the second largest grey hydrogen (hydrogen produced by fossil fuels) producer after Germany and now the country has two objectives to model the green hydrogen (hydrogen produced by electrolysis) project,

  1. Reduce greenhouse gases to 49% by 2030
  2. Produce Carbon neutral electricity to 95% by 2050

To support the act, Eric Wiebes, the Dutch Minister of Economic Affair and Climate released their ‘Hydrogen Vision’ letter on March 2020 and said,

“Commitment to sustainable hydrogen in the Netherlands create new jobs, better air quality and is essential for the energy transition”

(The plan process of hydrogen production in the North Netherlands. Source:foresight climate and energy)

Natural Gas in the Netherlands

Environmental concerns and earthquakes in Groningen, increased the support for hydrogen production between 2012- 2018. The country focuses on supplying hydrogen fuel to five economic sectors-electricity, industry, built environment, transport and agriculture. In June 2019, the government released the plan that says,

  • Complete conversion from gas-fired to sustainable heating of all buildings.
  • 100% renewable energy production.
  • 100% sustainable heating energy in the industrial sector by 2050.
(Projected emissions of energy by 2050 from current emission data. Source: Energy post)

The Government’s Strategy

  1. Increase 700 offshore wind turbines, 500 onshore wind turbines, and 75 million solar panels in support.
  2. Raise taxes on gas and lower taxes of electricity, to pull in public to switch over to green electricity.
  3. To build large-scale carbon capture storage and energy saving infrastructure.
  4. Mandatory mix of 2% hydrogen with other energy supply.
  5. Geothermal power for agriculture.

Green-gas Future in the Netherlands

  • Increase in production and sales of green gas.
  • Reduction of carbon emission.
  • Increase in production and sales of blue hydrogen (natural gas with carbon capture method).
  • Complete sustainable heating in buildings.
  • Production and sales of geo-thermal energy.
  • Offshore energy integration.
  • Production and sales of LNG.


