Hexes and Hearts: Zatanna Zatara and John Constantine’s Magical Love Story

Emotional Q
Supes Love Chronicles
7 min readSep 18, 2023


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In the mystical realms of DC Comics, where superheroes and sorcery collide, there exists a love story that transcends the boundaries of reality and magic — the passionate and perplexing romance between Zatanna Zatara and John Constantine. This enchanting duo, with their shared love for the supernatural and penchant for trouble, has captivated fans for years with their fiery chemistry and daring escapades.

Our tale begins with Zatanna, a dazzling magician whose mastery of the mystic arts is second to none. Clad in her iconic fishnets and trademark top hat, Zatanna first crossed paths with the trench coat-clad demonologist, John Constantine, in the pages of “Swamp Thing” #50 in 1986. The encounter was hardly love at first sight; instead, it was a collision of egos and secrets, as both characters hid their vulnerabilities beneath layers of sarcasm and snark.

Constantine, the chain-smoking antihero, is known for his roguish charm and a knack for getting himself into situations only he can escape from. His devil-may-care attitude and cunning wit make him the perfect foil for the elegant and poised Zatanna. The initial tension between them was palpable, but it was this friction that ignited the spark of attraction that would define their tumultuous relationship.



Emotional Q
Supes Love Chronicles

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