Dr. Verna Ruffin 

Superintendent of Jackson-Madison County Schools in Jackson, TN

SUPES Academy
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2013


Previous Position: Assistant Superintendent of the Academic Achievement Zone

Favorite book from the past year: Crucial Conversation: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan,and Al Switzler.

Personal hero: When I was a band director I had an incredible cadre of people who helped me embraced so many learning opportunities.

My most memorable teaching moment: As a band director I always enjoyed stretching my students to preform more difficult music, music that would help them develop technically. I had the middle school band play Overture in B flat and plenty of people said we couldn’t do it. But they were up to the challenge and they did, it was magic to see the whole thing come together.

Most exciting current trend in education: Implementation of reform because it requires action, and can be challenging, difficult, dirty. I remember telling someone how it can be just like being a band leader, blending and bringing all the parts together.

Awesome atypical subject I wish schools could teach: It would be great if students could spend a large part of a year working in some professional field. Hands on experiential learning is really important, especially for students today.

Shout out to my favorite teacher: Patricia Colbert-Cormier taught Biology during my sophomore and junior years. I remember her teaching Bio, but in reality she taught us so much more than that.



SUPES Academy

SUPES Academy is a comprehensive leadership development program established to prepare individuals who will be the next generation of school system leaders.