How to Choose the Best EDI Software Provider?

Jessica Williams
Supply Chain and Logistics Company
3 min readOct 18, 2019
edi solutions

With the rapid advancement of technology in the past few decades, almost everything around us is automated. Efficiency is the demand of time. And as all the industries are going through a makeover to match this demand, so are businesses. The EDI solutions in SCM are increasing the efficiency of Logistics today. Before getting into the complexities of EDI, one must know about SCM.

SCM (Supply Chain Management)

As the name suggests, Supply Chain Management is supposed to manage the production, shipment, and supply of a product centrally. EDI is a part of your wider SCM.

EDI? What’s that?

EDI or Electronic Data Interchange is the process which has taken over the tedious process of filing piles of documents of transactions manually. EDI works on a simple concept where rather than filing the documents manually on paper, two businesses are connected digitally through software and the interchange of data takes place itself without demanding any supervision.

Why EDI Software Solutions?

Transactions are one of the most important tasks in a business establishment. The task of filing these transactions, on the other hand, is equally tedious and hard. The practice of hiring a person for this job itself is turning obsolete as this process increases cost and is not efficient when done manually. As the business grows, so does the number of clients and hence increases the number of transactions. In case the company chooses the manual way rather than EDI, it requires hiring more people for the same job which means an increase in cost and reduction in productivity; something that’s not feasible for a profit-based company.

Hence it is important for businesses, both small and large, to switch to EDI Development Services to reduce cost, increase productivity and efficiency in transactions.

What to look for in an EDI Software Solution?

As in every field, there are various platforms developing EDI Software’s too; but which one is the best option? There are various aspects to look for in an EDI software solution.

  • An ideal EDI software provider must support any standard or format (right from popular ANSI X12 to non-EDI formats like XML)
  • Ease of monitoring is another important aspect of an ideal EDI software solutions. Fail of transfer or any other glitch in the system can lead to huge losses for an SCM. Hence it is important that your EDI software provides real-time monitoring of the undergoing processes.
  • EDI solution must be capable of handling growing numbers. As the business expands, so does the number of clients, hence your EDI software must be able to cope with the growing numbers and carry transactions efficiently.
  • While hiring EDI development services, one must ensure that the EDI Supply Chain Management is integration-friendly.

The integration of EDI solutions to different aspects of the SCM brings all your transactions under one roof, making the process a whole lot smoother and easier.

