Guidelines for Article Submission

Benjamin Gordon
Supply Chains
Published in
1 min readSep 22, 2019


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

We welcome outstanding writers for SUPPLY CHAINS. Here’s what we look for in terms of guidelines:

First: we look for an original analysis of an important theme driving change in the supply chain. Illustrative topics are here, and include autonomous vehicles, drones, electric vehicles, ecommerce fulfillment, consolidation, convergence of supply chain services, and other disruptive changes:

Second, the typical article format brings the issue to life with a spotlight or case study, as follows:

  • A trending need — e.g. why autonomous vehicles, drones, electric vehicles, or new models of ecommerce fulfillment are important
  • A solution
  • A spotlight or case study — e.g. a new technology, or a new company
  • Implications for the future

An example of an article like this would be

Third, the article is typically 500–1,000 words.

If you would like to submit an article, please email it to us.

Thanks for your interest in being a part of our SUPPLY CHAINS community!

-Benjamin Gordon



Benjamin Gordon
Supply Chains

Ben Gordon, CEO of Cambridge Capital and BGSA. Investor in logistics and supply chain technology. Published at Fortune and CNBC.