What is the Future of Logistics?

What CEOs Say Behind Closed Doors, at the Invitation-Only BGSA Supply Chain Conference in Palm Beach

Benjamin Gordon
Supply Chains


BGSA’s Benjamin Gordon speaks with over 200 logistics CEOs at BGSA Supply Chain 2020

Industry insiders call it the “Davos of Logistics.” Every January, over 200 supply chain CEOs gather at the tony Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach to discuss strategy and deals at an invitation-only event. For 14 years, the BGSA Supply Chain Conference has been the place where the best and brightest converge. The event is press-free, which allows CEOs to speak with remarkable candor.

So what did we learn this year?

Let’s start with the financial markets. As Benjamin Graham has said, “In the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.

2019 was a winning year for the supply chain public markets. In fact, the BGSA Supply Chain Index, which tracks nine segments and 63 companies in all areas of the sector, increased 26% in 2019. In addition, all nine segments produced a positive return.

Source: BGSA Holdings

That said, the spread between winners and losers was significant.



Benjamin Gordon
Supply Chains

Ben Gordon, CEO of Cambridge Capital and BGSA. Investor in logistics and supply chain technology. Published at Fortune and CNBC. http://bengordonpalmbeach.com/