Rallying for a Strong National Paid Leave Policy

National Partnership
Support Paid Leave
Published in
5 min readDec 13, 2016


In honor of the third anniversary of the introduction of the Family And Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act and the progress that has been made since then, the national paid leave coalition hosted a blog “rally” on December 12 to highlight the need for a federal policy that is affordable, inclusive, substantial, comprehensive and secure — one that checks all the boxes.

Check out the powerful collection of coalition voices below, and be sure to share your story and this paid leave checklist with your elected officials and followers, and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Use #PaidLeaveChecklist to join the conversation and reinforce the need for a strong policy. And check out the new coalition website for resources and to take action.

1,000 Days:

The Health of Moms and Babies Should Not Be Left To Luck

“I was incredibly lucky to have had the time I needed to care for myself and my daughter. But the health of America’s moms and babies should never be left to luck… All workers in America should have access to paid leave — it’s in the best interest of all of us, as individuals and as a society.”



“Today, 9to5 is joining with coalition partners to raise awareness and tell lawmakers that not just any paid leave policy will do. We know that lawmakers and candidates understand that issues like paid family and medical leave are important to voters.”

We All Need Paid Leave to Take Care of Our Families

“In this country, we need a paid family and medical leave insurance program that provides job-protected paid leave for everyone when we need time to care for our families, however we define them, and for ourselves.”

We All Need Paid Leave to Take Care of Ourselves

“No one should have to choose between the job they need and their own health or the health of the people they love. Access to paid family and medical leave is not just an issue for people with lupus. It is a major issue for all people living and working with health challenges.”

The Arc:

From 1959 to Today, Workers Still Need Paid Leave

“In the disability community, we know how important it is to celebrate one another in good times and to provide support in harder times. An inclusive and robust paid family leave program is an important building block of that support.”


On Democracy and Paid Family and Medical Leave

“At a time when many working families, particularly those in communities of color and immigrant communities, feel threatened and silenced, we should recognize paid family and medical leave as the essential worker protection that is. Supporting families and workers is a central pillar of our democracy — one we can greatly strengthen by passing the FAMILY Act.”

Common Sense Media:

Family Comes First

“As we look toward 2017 and beyond, we urge our elected representatives at the state and federal levels to find common ground on an issue that the vast majority of both parties in America support: paid leave that ensures all working people are able to put their families first.”

Family Values @ Work:

Op-ed: Congressional leaders should reject Trump’s maternity leave scheme

“Unlike President-elect Trump’s proposal, publicly-run family and medical leave insurance actually works. We look forward to bipartisan work in Congress on substantive bills that move us forward — but in doing so, we must reject ineffective policies that will set families and our economy back.”

Levi Strauss & Co.:


“Today marks the third anniversary of the introduction of the Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act, which is designed to provide some compensation to employees who take family or medical leave. We’re proud to stand with those who support this legislation as it not only aligns with our company’s parental leave policy, but also the shared belief that time with new family is invaluable.”

Make It Work Campaign:

Real People of America: Meet Amari

“It shouldn’t take that much effort to get some support, especially when you’re stretched thin by other worries and fears. If you work for a company and you’ve been with them and given your all to your work, there shouldn’t be so many loopholes and ways that you can be denied help.”

Main Street Alliance:

Paid Family Leave Makes Good Business Sense

“The policy would not only level the playing field for small businesses and boost our ability to attract and retain talented employees, it would help boost consumer spending and reduce income inequality. With the opportunity to enact a federal policy, we have the chance to catch up with the rest of the world and put our employees and community members in the best place to thrive–and we should take it.”


It’s Time for the #FAMILYAct

“Let’s make paid leave a reality for everyone. Whether it’s to care for a newborn you swear already smiles, a mom who is ill, or a spouse battling cancer, being there for family is what matters. You shouldn’t have to give up a paycheck to do it.”

National Partnership for Women & Families:

A National Paid Leave Plan Must Check All the Boxes

“[L]awmakers must not forget the core principles that make a sound, effective policy — or the many stories of people across the country that illustrate why they are so important. These principles are critical to ensuring a national policy benefits all of us, meets the needs of workers and businesses, and reduces (rather than increases) inequality.”


Fathers Count Too

“We need a national paid family leave policy that is equal for all parents and caregivers. Or else, all of our daughters and sons, sitting in front of their iPhone 27S screens, will be fighting the same inequality and injustice when their time to be parents and caregivers comes along. And we don’t accept that.”

Washington Center for Equitable Growth:

Trump’s paid leave proposal could backfire on women and families

“President-elect Trump’s proposal was put forth during the campaign, and there are no guarantees that any eventual policy will resemble the original proposal. But if his new administration is serious about helping women and families — and the economy as well — a policy that lessens women’s earning potential is not the best way to proceed.”



National Partnership
Support Paid Leave

We’re all about making life better for women and families by achieving equality AND equity for all women.