Austin City Council Vote Goes to Extra Time

MLS in Austin
Supporters Union
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2018

While disappointed our City Council could not get to a final vote last night we were overwhelmed by the hundreds who showed up in support of Major League Soccer in Austin. Based upon the discussion and amendments from late last night we are confident in a “yes” vote on Item 19 this coming Wednesday morning, August 15th.

Time and again we have seen MLS and Precourt Sports Ventures operate in good faith with each request from the community and the council members. This last week has been no different. It’s time to, as Mayor Adler stated, to move forward and stop moving the “goal line.”

We ask our supporters to continue the work they’ve done in letting their council members know their support for our cause. Our thanks go out to the Mayor, Council members, and city staffers for their diligence in working hard for the people of Austin. We know their hard work, and that of our thousands of supporters, will see next week as the beginning of MLS in Austin.

Thank you for your support!

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MLS in Austin
Supporters Union

The official MLS Supporters Group of Austin, Texas is now Austin Anthem!