New Supportiv Teen Identity Article Collection Explores Mental Health Struggles Involving Ethnicity, Immigration, Gender, And More

Christina Beck
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2024

Supportiv, the pioneer in Conversational Care® and Precision Peer Support®, publishes today a new addition to its Identity article collection (, centering marginalized experiences that often go unaddressed in the world of wellbeing — while presenting paths forward, informed by lived experience.

Supportiv Teen Article Collection

Supportiv Co-Founder & CEO Helena Plater-Zyberk explains why Supportiv publishes these perspectives, by and for marginalized individuals: “Feeling misunderstood exacerbates many mental and emotional challenges. By centering the voices of people who have felt ‘othered’ by their identity and experiences, we want to send a message: you may feel different from those around you, but you’re not an anomaly in the world. There are people who feel just like you, and you can even get connected to them online. There is power in that knowledge.”

Student writers from around the US delve into marginalized perspectives and emotional struggles related to identity. Newly published titles in the Identity article collection ( include:

Co-Founder Pouria Mojabi emphasizes the impact of these new additions to Supportiv’s Identity collection: “Especially if you’re a teen, if you live in a rural area, or if you’re an immigrant, you’re even more likely to feel different. Everyone has experiences that are hard to explain or to discuss in-person. But when people connect digitally, it’s easier both to start more complex conversations, and to find those people who truly have been there and know what you’re talking about.”

In addition to its peer-to-peer support network, relevant Supportiv articles and tips also surface in real-time inside its 24/7 peer support chats. By typing a few words in response to the question: “What’s your struggle?” users are matched in under a minute to topic-specific peer-to-peer group chats for anonymous support–from feeling misunderstood at work to communicating more effectively, from getting through family drama to re-entering the dating world, from panic to numbing out, or from caregiving struggles to medical anxiety. Even experiences like breakups, bad habits, and loneliness are up for discussion in Supportiv’s anonymous peer support chats.

“You may feel different from those around you, but you’re not an anomaly in the world. There are people who feel just like you, and you can even get connected to them online. There is power in that knowledge.”

Supportiv has already enabled over 1.8 million users to feel less lonely, anxious, stressed, misunderstood, and hopeless through its moderator-guided chats with AI-driven content and resource recommendations. See what real users have to say, here:

Read the whole set of nuanced perspectives on common, yet under-addressed struggles at Or, use Supportiv’s online peer support to find connection with others who can understand your marginalized struggle.



Christina Beck

Trauma advocate, urban naturalist, and Director of Content @ Supportiv — 24/7 peer support on any topic with live moderation.