The ROI Of Peer Support For Teams And Businesses

Christina Beck
Published in
1 min readDec 18, 2022

As a high-value, supportive leader, have you ever wondered…

  • What is peer support?
  • Why is digitizing peer support so important?
  • How effective is peer support as a behavioral health intervention?
  • How can peer support play a role as an adjunct to other wellbeing tools?
  • What is the return on investment (ROI) of peer support programs in the workforce?
  • What are best practices for implementing a peer support program?

Answers to all these questions and more can be found in Supportiv’s whitepaper, which synthesizes 120 research studies, evaluating the impact and ROI of peer support on health and well-being. The whitepaper conveys the promise of online peer support as a novel, affordable, population-scale solution to the escalating mental wellness crisis, and to the downstream health impacts of emotional struggle.

Learn more about the value and ROI of digital, precision-matched peer support for your workforce.



Christina Beck

Trauma advocate, urban naturalist, and Director of Content @ Supportiv — 24/7 peer support on any topic with live moderation.