How to Stupidly Invest in Your 20s to Get Wealthy in Your 30s

And make millions.

Shreya Shah
Be A Hustler


Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash

Money is a means of exchange that has the power to influence everyone’s life.

Yes, you may live in a big house from childhood, have wonderful vacations, and attend expensive schools.

In your twenties, you may pursue higher education abroad, inherit your parents’ enterprises, invest in the greatest possible assets, marry a beautiful bride, and spend a limitless amount of money on luxury and large residences, in short, you can do anything you want.

Similar activities are possible throughout your 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s.

That is how money can alter your life.

Money is more than just a medium of transaction in today’s society. As a result, the majority of us are behind it.

To be honest, I can’t alter your childhood, but I can transform your life once you reach your twenties.

And here’s how it’s done.

1. Invest your time in learning a new online skill

We are all transitioning our lives from offline to online. As a result, there is a tremendous opportunity for all of us.

