One Investment That Can Allow You Never Work a 9 to 5 Job Again

And it is not stocks, crypto, or real estate.

Shreya Shah
Be A Hustler
2 min readJun 4, 2022


Photo by Kostiantyn Li on Unsplash

The majority of individuals are stupid; they believe that by following the traditional path to success, they will get wealthy.

I can’t help but giggle at them.

Seriously, guy, how can you think about it?

Go to school, study hard, acquire a job, and then start investing, as Robert Kiyosaki laughed at.

This thinking contributes to the suffering of the people.

People believe, and they continue to believe.

We’ve always believed that someone will come along and assist us to become wealthy.

So we created democracy, governance, and corruption as a result.

We then began to invest in equities and cryptocurrency. Without a doubt, early adopters and certain long-term investors profited.

But what about the others? They were crushed.

In the same manner that a normal person attempts to accumulate money for decades in order to purchase a house. So, what’s next? They’ve turned it into a liability. As a result, rather of producing money, it is simply depleting our funds.

So, please don’t believe that any investment will make you wealthy if you don’t use your intelligence. Life isn’t always easy.

So stop this nonsense

So, what’s the point?

Begin to make yourself valuable.

We believe that gold is an asset, that real estate investment is an asset, and that equities are assets.

They are, without a question.

But what about us? We’re also valuable assets. The more valuable you make yourself, the more money you can make, and the more wealthy you will become.

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffett all have many enterprises. But it was because they invested in themselves that they were able to achieve.

So start investing in yourself

Instead of pursuing some dubious investment, believing in someone else, and working like a slave.

Make a wise decision and invest in yourself.

Make some YouTube videos, establish some side hustles, acquire some new skills, take some risks, and you’ll be handsomely compensated.

This is exactly what you must do.

Follow some wealthy individuals, build connections with them, learn new things all the time, and even emulate what they do if you want to.

But get going.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. You can follow me to read more stories like this.

