Supreme Martial Arts: The Path of the Prodigy

Chapter 3

When Zhou Yi returned to Zhou Village, it was already getting brighter. Zhou Village was quite well-known in the vicinity, and its patriarch, Zhou Wude, was a master who had reached the pinnacle of the tenth level of internal energy cultivation. He was considered one of the top figures in the county within a radius of hundreds of miles.

Zhou Wude had three sons, and although they practiced different types of martial arts, each of them had at least reached the eighth level of internal energy cultivation. The eldest son, Zhou Quanxin, had already advanced to the ninth level. As for the third generation, Zhou Yitian, the eldest grandson, was only twenty-one years old but had already cultivated his internal energy to the seventh level. In every aspect, he was considered the foremost among his peers.

While the other siblings hadn’t reached the seventh level like Zhou Yitian, considering their current age, they were all exceptional . Hence, the reputation of Zhou Village was indeed flourishing.

Zhou Family had strict rules. Every morning, all third-generation disciples below the sixth level had to participate in morning exercises. When Zhou Yi hurriedly returned from the lake, he could already hear loud shouts coming from the training ground at home.

Zhou Yi looked up at the weather and sighed inwardly. Regardless of being soaked all over, he disregarded his drenched state and went straight to the training ground.

On the training ground, five third-generation disciples were engaged in the most basic training. They were disciples who had not yet reached the sixth level, consisting of three males and two females, including Zhou Er.

At the entrance of the training ground, a tall and sturdy man stood with his hands behind his back. He appeared like an unyielding mountain, exuding tremendous pressure.

Zhou Yi quickly approached and stood beside the man, whispering, “Uncle QuanYi.”

The man was none other than Zhou Quanyi, Zhou’s third uncle. He turned around, his eyes initially filled with anger, but upon seeing Zhou Yi’s bedraggled appearance, he couldn’t help but pause and asked, “Why did you come so late? Why are you all wet?”

Zhou Yi’s face slightly reddened, and he whispered, “Uncle QuanYi, I practiced horse stance halfway up the mountain all night. When I came down, my clothes got dirty, and while I was washing them by the lake, I accidentally fell in.”

The anger on Zhou Quanyi’s face gradually dissipated as he said, “Yi, I know you’re diligent, but it’s better not to go out at night.”

“Yes,” Zhou Yi replied.

Zhou Quanyi waved his hand and said, “Go back, change your clothes, and get some rest.”

Zhou Yi slightly bowed and quickly returned to his room. He changed into a new training outfit in no time and then rushed to the backyard’s training ground, joining the other brothers.

Zhou Quanyi watched Zhou Yi’s stubborn gaze, shook his head slightly, and sighed.

From the break of dawn, it took a full three hours for these youths to complete their practice. After Zhou Quanyi leave, he gave them a few reminders before leaving.

As soon as he walked away, the kids all sat down on the ground simultaneously, including the two girls.

Zhou Yi glanced at his siblings, just like before, and turned to leave.

“Yi, when will you break through to the sixth level?” a lazy voice came from the midst of the youngsters.

Zhou Yi didn’t even need to turn around to know that it was Zhou Yizhang, who was two years older than him, asking the question.

In the family, Zhou Quanxin had four sons: the eldest grandson, Zhou Yitian, the second son, Zhou Yihai, the fifth son, Zhou Yizhang, and the seventh son, Zhou Yiyu. His father, Zhou Quanming, had two sons and one daughter: the third-generation disciples Zhou Yixuan, Zhou Yi (himself), and the sixth-ranked Zhou Yilong. As for Zhou Quanyi, the third uncle, he had a son and a daughter: the fourth daughter, Zhou Yiling, and the younger brother, Zhou Er.

Although they were all members of the same big family, there were still varying degrees of closeness among the siblings.

The four sons of Zhou Quanxin’s family have always stood united, especially the eldest grandson, Zhou Yitian, who possessed exceptional talent. At the young age of twenty, he had already successfully reached the seventh level of internal energy cultivation, making him highly regarded by the entire family.

The relationship between the second and third brothers was slightly closer, but overall, the siblings got along fairly harmoniously.

Currently, among the nine third-generation disciples, Zhou Yitian, Zhou Yihai, and Zhou Yixuan had all successfully reached the sixth level or above in their internal energy cultivation, exempting them from the daily morning exercises.

The one who spoke up at this moment was Zhou Yizhang, ranked fifth among all the third-generation disciples.

Zhou Yi’s footsteps halted, and he snorted lightly, saying, “I haven’t made the breakthrough yet. Are you about to break through, Fifth Brother?”

Zhou Yizhang chuckled and replied, “It has only been a year since I reached the fifth level. How could I make the breakthrough so quickly? But Sixth Brother, you’ve been stuck at this level for four whole years. Back then, you, Second Brother, and Third Brother were almost at the same level. Now they have advanced, but you’re still standing still. Hehe, you should work harder.”

Zhou Yi’s eyebrows raised slightly, his heart pounding vigorously, but he didn’t turn around. He simply coldly remarked, “Thank you for your concern, Fifth Brother. I understand.”

With that, he took large strides and walked forward.

Zhou Yizhang let out a long sigh and spoke in a mocking tone, “Sixth Brother, in my opinion, you should try practicing a different technique. Maybe you’ll be able to break through to the sixth level in one go.”

Zhou Yi’s footsteps didn’t pause at all, as if he hadn’t even heard those words, and he continued on his way.

The remaining five people glanced at each other. Suddenly, Zhou Er jumped up and swiftly chased after his sixth brother’s departing figure.

Zhou Yiling and Zhou Yilong, the two sisters, glared at Zhou Yizhang and left hand in hand. Zhou Yiyu, the youngest seventh brother, wore a troubled expression and said, “Fifth Brother, why did you go and provoke Sixth Brother again? If Dad and Big Brother find out, you’ll definitely get scolded, and perhaps it will even trouble me.”

Zhou Yizhang glared at his brother and said, “You’re becoming more and more timid. Hmph, so what if I mentioned him? As long as I can reach the sixth level before him, no one can say anything to me.”

Zhou Yiyu muttered a few words under his breath, almost inaudible even to himself, saying, “Aren’t you just jealous that Sixth Brother entered the fifth level before you?”

Fortunately, Zhou Yizhang didn’t hear his own younger brother’s words; otherwise, he would have been infuriated on the spot.

“Seventh Brother, you should also strive hard to break through to the sixth level as soon as possible. That way, our family lineage will be far ahead,” Zhou Yizhang said earnestly.

Zhou Yiyu widened his eyes in disbelief and said, “Fifth Brother, it has only been a year since you advanced to the fifth level, while I just succeeded last month. Are you asking me to break through immediately?”

Zhou Yizhang snorted in anger and said, “Yes, I want you to double your efforts, just like Big Brother, Second Brother…” He paused for a moment, hesitated, and finally said, “and Third Brother. They all successfully broke through to the sixth level. Can’t you do the same?”

Zhou Yiyu’s eyes rolled, and he said, “Fifth Brother, Second Brother and Third Brother are five and six years older than me. It has only been a year since they broke through to the sixth level.”

Zhou Yizhang’s face turned red, and he said, “Well, Seventh Brother, you’ve learned to talk back. Do you want to be punished?”

Zhou Yiyu immediately calmed down and said, “Fifth Brother, no, I don’t. I’ll keep practicing.”

“Good, start practicing now. I’ll accompany you. Hurry up, don’t be sluggish!” Zhou Yizhang urged.

Zhou Yiyu: “…”

He thought to himself, “Is he really my older brother?”

Zhou Yi walked away from the training ground with quick steps, his heart filled with anger but nowhere to vent it. He knew that if he resorted to violence because of such an argument, he would surely incur their father’s punishment.

Suddenly, he heard a panting sound from behind, and his heart warmed as he came to a stop.

Sure enough, Zhou Er’s voice immediately rang out, “Brother Yi, don’t listen to Brother yizhang. He’s just jealous that you reached the fifth level of internal energy a few years earlier than him.”

Zhou Yi smiled faintly and patted his shoulder, saying, “I understand. Hurry back and learn to read. Otherwise, Uncle QuanYi will scold you for being mischievous and come looking for you all over the village, then give you a good spanking.”

Zhou Er shivered, looking around in all directions. He clutched his buttocks in fear and wore an alarmed expression on his face.

Fortunately, he didn’t catch a glimpse of his father’s figure in the end, which relieved him. Hesitant, he said, “Brother Yi, what Brother yizhang said does make some sense. Why don’t you try switching to a different martial arts technique?”

Zhou Yi’s face tightened, but then he smiled and replied, “I have my own plans. Thank you.”

Zhou Er responded and quickly turned away. It seemed that Uncle QuanYi’s threats were still quite effective on him.

Watching his younger brother leave, Zhou Yi sighed deeply, his smile long gone. He slowly turned around and suddenly caught sight of a figure, causing his heart to tremble. He took a slight step back, moving with the grace of flowing clouds and water, retreating several yards.

Just as he assumed a stance that combined offense and defense, Zhou Yi forced a bitter smile and straightened his body, saying, “Uncle QuanYi, why are you playing such a joke on your nephew?”

Zhou Quanyi’s serious face revealed a faint smile as he replied, “Yi, your reaction is quite good.”

“Thank you for the praise, Uncle QuanYi.”

“Yi, I have discussed this with your uncle and father,” Zhou Quanyi suddenly said, his solemn face still carrying a trace of amusement. “If you want to switch to a different martial arts technique for cultivation, you can directly go to your uncle’s place. The family’s collection of books in the ancestral library is at your disposal.”

Zhou Yi’s heart trembled, and he said, “Thank you, Uncle QuanYi.”

Zhou Quanyi nodded and walked towards the direction Zhou Er had left, saying, “I’ll go check on Er.

Watching his uncle’s departing figure, Zhou Yi looked up at the sky and sighed helplessly. He never expected that even his father and the others had specially discussed his matter. It seemed that it was impossible to stick to his own opinions any longer.

