Alternative View on Honorary Titles

Suranga D Wijeratne
5 min readNov 11, 2018

In the modern democratic world, why it is important to realize the pyramid is upside down and how role of Honorary Titles should be treated

Image by Suranga D. Wijeratne, Location : Aliya Resorts, Source :

Some bestowed at birth, some earned, some holy : Honorary Titles has persisted the modernization and democratization of society. Be it “Sir”, “Your Excellency” or “Reverend” these former vestiges of a feudal society has somehow survived. We might have the socialists railing against such norms, but they merely substitute those with “Chairman”, “Dear Leader” or “Supreme <replace what ever your power gives you>”.

Even in democratic countries you would find elected heads of state bestowed with titles as “Your Excellency”. Rather than dismissing them and questioning the absurdity of it, let us redefine it.

Honorary Titles still carry something important: A notion of honor. Let us be clear! Despite the past inclinations, in a democratic society, those who don’t hold titles are not meant to be subservient to those that have. This residual notion of being subservient to those with titles is a mentality that has made democracy a farce. The days where people would have to be subservient to people with titles is long gone. Yet, it is important not to abolish them in my opinion.

Why you may ask? Are honorary titles just a way to make someone feel important and others less so? Well like beauty it is in the eye of the beholder. Hence my push for us to re-invent what titles mean. To be clear, our elected leaders should be able to come from any background. What we must really discard is this notion of the elected leaders can be themselves in office and act in any manner they feel fit. NO! If you are a leader in the free world, then YOU Represent us! When that is the stake, leading an honorary and dutiful life is of paramount importance to a leader. So let us redefine these titles. No! they are not there to make you feel pompous and fill your head of an idea that you are supreme than the rest, it is there to remind you the gravity of office. Your decisions impact deeply the lives of the citizens of this country.

Just on a side note: We are not “YOUR” citizens! We are citizens of a country where you have volunteered to take care of our collective public resources and we have merely agreed to your volunteered position. Nobody has thrust you to this position nor have we surrendered our will to you. We have placed you to serve us, with your agreement, so we are not yours, but you are ours!

So a “Your Excellency” should be a reminder to a head of state! A holder of a title that limits their freedom, and places a deeper sense of responsibility. America may celebrate their lack of “titles” but, they themselves realize there should be something “presidential”. This is evident more than ever now!

To the “Honorary” MPs: You are responsible for that seat you have volunteered to fill in parliament. It is not a job. If it was a job, you will not have to be “honorary” and you should have a boss that can terminate you under the labour laws of the land. So stop wasting our money and please fulfill your duty as an honored and esteemed member of parliament. Any behaviour contrary to those notions should NOT BE CELEBRATED. Live up to your titles!

Again, living up to the titles, does not mean living pompously and treating your constituents like pests. It is the contrary. It is to be dutiful and responsible. Trust me, this is the only line you can take to justify any privilege bestowed unto you by the people (there is no king to do so). Titles were generally given to people by a king to serve the king. Hence, if the people give you a title, you’re there to serve the people.

Talking of privilege, we are deep in debt, but there is an urgency for all of you to bring down luxury vehicles. I heard the justification from one Honorable Deputy Minister that the vehicle should fit the tier of hierarchy. Where a minister secretary drives the least but privileged vehicle, then the deputy minister a bit of a better vehicle only to be superseded by an immensely luxurious vehicle by the minister. Does this pattern reflect in corporates as well? YES it does. However, let me ask this: If you are a shareholder of a company, and while that company is deep in debt the directors order a new fleet of luxury vehicles for themselves. As a shareholder of the company how would you really feel?? Let me put it this way, if you want to compare a corporate hierarchy to the government to justify the buying of luxury vehicles: Then please remember, you are just a board member, and we as shareholders think its pretty irresponsible and unethical for you to reward yourself when the company is tanking!! For reference: Please read about Enron and how disgusted everyone was about the bonuses paid off to the execs while the company was going bankrupt!

Back on track: Honorary titles will not bring you the world. It should bring you work and weight. The “respect” you see for the title should still be earned. Earned by doing ones duty. Let’s look at one of the most popular recent heads of states. Obama played a carefully balanced portrayal of presidency. He was hip/humble and ate at burger joints. However, he did not shy away from saluting servicemen, from pompous and grand gestures of presidential privilege. This is because, presidency is a statement. You can play around it, but you cant play with it. The grandeur/guarded statements/ protocols of engagement are crafted to both send a message out and to remind the holder of office: It's all not for you, but for the office held.

To summarize.. there is no worth in Honorary titles if you are not noble in your endeavours.



Suranga D Wijeratne

Software Engineer | Think of random subjects | Atheist kind of | Idea man