Crypto Exchange API Demo: “Refunds”

Published in
1 min readNov 29, 2018

Last week we shared a demo of how “Refills” work as part of our Cryptocurrency Exchange Service. The week prior, we shared a demonstration of how the Suredbits’ Crypto Exchange API will work more generally. This week we would like to share a feature we are particularly excited about and that is refunds.

Unlike traditional refunds, with the Lightning Network, control is given to developers to build into their applications automatic refunds. Customers will be able to control if and when they wish to receive a refund. And since we’re building our APIs with Lightning Network technology, refunds will be delivered with the same precision down to the Satoshi level of currency.

Check the video below for a quick walkthrough:

We’re excited about the customization and control the Lighting Network technology enables. We will be making the Crypto Exchange API available very soon and look forward to feedback.

We invite you to connect with us on Twitter @Suredbits or join our Suredbits Slack community and share your thoughts, comments and ideas.

Some additional reading you may find interseting:

